Lonx/Beasts BG

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by themacca, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Okay so i just made this cause while i hate just plain beast BG's. i actually have a lot of fun using beast synergy subthemes for example the barbs/beast BG i made a while back and now im doing a Lonx/beast BG. It actually seems kind of crazy with some of the efficiency of these units.

    My BG


    Key runes
    Azaren, well duhhhh he's the main inspiration for this BG
    Lonx Beast Tamer, also duhhhh but aside from that shes a great pilgrimage target can get heal mass in 1 round and just shits AP gen
    Arctic Tiger, this things stats are RIDICULOUS. With a lonx beast tamer out this thing has 18 damage 7 speed and 61 hp for 71 nora.
    Lonx Recruiter, with the current map rotation this thing can bring out an additional 84 hp in summons on deploy and then is able to make more as time goes on, also gets huge damage really fast
    Snowcat burrow, every 2 rounds thats an extra 28 hp on the board for 10 nora thats pretty good, might move to 1x though
    Gnark, good for being killed by rockslides and 45 nora spells, but if that doesnt happen he gets really good damage alt range and swarms.

    Experimental Runes

    Mastadon, god awfully slow like really REALLY slow. but 76 HP for 54 nora is pretty good and trample+beast herder can lead to some pretty great damage.
    Tusk, like mastadon but he's cheaper less tanky but faster and can also charge then trample on herder turns
    Arctic gift, it's kinda ehhh not so sure, i suppose its an alright stat boost but it will get wasted a lot on my snowcats. and i cant afford to sink 40 nora every 3 rounds into them

    BG Pros

    Meat, this BG puts meat on the board super god damn fast. like ridiculously fast, when you drop recruiter if there isnt a good anti summon on the board things might go very badly for your opponent very fast.
    Lots of AP gen. 2 invigorate units and beast herder means you can dish out quite a lot of AP
    Trample AOE is fairly strong

    BG Cons
    Loses out hard to established tanks, since a lot of damage u do will be chip damage either from trample courtesy of the mastadons/tusk or from random attacks from your snow cats flat damage reduction like tough can hurt a lot.
    Swarms could be overwhelming, similar to other summon spam BG's like Skeletons swarming units could be a bit too much to handle, but also lacking any really good anti summon meaning this could be a particularly large problem.
    Trample part of the BG becomes uselss against SL

    Overall Analysis
    Kinda vague here because this is still new but this doesnt seem like a top tier BG thats just gonna stomp Bane Shift like dwarves into the ground but it certainly seems capable of holding it's own. If you get good draws early game with your pet/summon units games could end fairly quickly but it can scale well into late game because of all the free meat and surge units.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2016
  2. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    @Sokolov i posted this in the wrong subforum. Move it please
  3. Orubus

    Orubus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Maybe running snowball fight would help you power turn high def units.

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