Temporary Bans

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Due to the delay in getting the mid-terms out, we are planning on implementing a temporary ban list this weekend to shake things up for you all and get some freshness into the meta.

    Expect somewhere between 5-10 runes per faction and the specifics are still being discussed as to what runes they are and how long we'll keep this one.

    If it's well received, we might make this more of a regular thing.

    The runes will fall into 2 categories:
    • Stuff generally considered OP and are probably being nerfed
    • Stuff that isn't necessarily OP but are commonly used in various decks

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    This sounds refreshing.
  3. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    inb4 pincushion makes the banlist
    poinl and Xirone like this.
  4. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I can work with this list
  5. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    PHS deleted finally.
  6. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    This will be funny. Peeps trying to complete heroic challenges: "I need to include x rune in my bg to complete heroic challenge oh crap x rune is banned." wah wah wah.
  7. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    are hero's immune? is this for ranked play or a tournament set up?
  8. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Ranked play.

    I'd love to be able to setup live tournaments with specific restrictions, it's high on my wishlist :D
  9. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty

    This sounds dope!
  10. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    heros are probably immune.
  11. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    What about the other runes 'everyone has' like titans, doomies, harbis, angels etc.
  12. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    i haven't a clue. the assumption looks like just general meta cheese. most of those runes are not meta so it probably or about to be nerfed so it probably means stuff like say elven strategist in KF or essence drain in FW
  13. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    So... I've never actually payed attention to the banned list before now.

    Is this just something I need to pay attention to so I don't get banned, or this an in-game thing that will just not allow me to play in ranked with bg's that have the banned runes?
  14. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    Banned runes won't allow you to enter a ranked game.
    SireofSuns likes this.
  15. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Hence why we pick our bg first, got it. Thanks.
  16. Karmavore


  17. narvoxx

    narvoxx I need me some PIE!

    this might be a problem if you have no good way to communicate this form within the client
  18. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    RIP SL :(
  19. Karmavore


    Anyways, I think this a good idea over all. I think it'll promote decent enough rune diversity and this blows the cookie cutter bullshit out of the water. If the ban list resets with the Expansion release(s), even better. This is a very smart move.
    Qucas, Cinder405, Tweek516 and 2 others like this.
  20. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    I feel it should only last a week at max. Just a temporary measure to buy time and stop the game getting stale before the ps4 and xpac etc

    Actually a really good idea.

    But when is it taking place??

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