clarity of mind

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Firk, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. Firk

    Firk I need me some PIE!

    what makes some games so easy its like i am limitless in thinking while others i feel like i am bogged down in a swamp unable to even think of the most basic strategy?
  2. OchiK

    OchiK The King of Potatoes

    I would think match ups vs runes or strategies you are unfamiliar with or good synergys that your BG can't easily deal with.
  3. Compost

    Compost I need me some PIE!

    Probably map draw wins. you don't notice them as much when you win, but most games one person is fighting from behind from the start. draw a flying champ or a teleporter on ironfist mountains and your opponent doesn't? congrats you basically won the game.
  4. IronStylus

    IronStylus I need me some PIE!

    i once smoked weed and went playing. I was like 'huh, I'm playing like a god' until i wrote that and started admiring myself and didn't finish turn in time, then everything screwed up after that. But I don't know, generally stuff that helps you be creative and feel good. Don't play when you are feeling bad ,stressed, worrying about other things. Same as other games, same as other activities.
    Lushiris likes this.

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