Temple of Brutality

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rheinhart, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. rheinhart

    rheinhart I need me some PIE!

    Why doesn't sok allow this in rank and just change the damage to 25-35% or a set % of extra damage for melee ?Seems like this would be a easy fix instead of not allowing it be used at all other than in single player games.
  2. Orubus

    Orubus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Temple of brutality is one of those runes that is bad for the game. Handing the heavy hitter faction with an easy fifty percent amp is kind of baffling
  3. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    when it first came out you'd have a hard time convincing me it wasn't fine, but when it first came out their were very few ways ud had available to keep things alive through the turn the opponent would have tu murder things, they also didn't have a lot of stealthed units or relocation mechanics like minos, the maps were also larger with more build up, so losing a single champ on a central font never felt quite as devastating, and that's without even getting into the massive differences between factions and how much more powerful every faction used to be.

    long story short it's a differnet game from when it was created, and in this one temple of brutality just doesn't fit.
    Orubus likes this.
  4. rheinhart

    rheinhart I need me some PIE!

    So if they can't set a % like say 10 even maybe it shouldn't be in the game since it can only be used in single player which is pointless.I think everything should be able to be used in the game without restrictions or removed/fixed unless it really had a purpose for single player only and in this case im not seeing it.
  5. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    if it was to get redesigned which honestly could be easy, it could go back into ranked but with that said the single player crew loves this rune, they would not be happy to see it changed.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  6. Etherielin

    Etherielin The Floof Cultist

    As far as I know it is on redesign table, but there are more pressing concerns popping up over and over.
  7. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    well it could be changed to something simple like

    Temple of brutality - when an attack is made at melee range the effected champion gains tagged, when a champion is destroyed by melee attacks the attacking champion gains +2 damage.

    cost would likely be pretty high but it would likely always up front result in a kill, but if both sides have melee you can expect a bit of a blood bath...especially in minos
  8. rheinhart

    rheinhart I need me some PIE!

    Ah ok thought they were gonna leave it as is and didn't know people use it in single player my apologies than.I understand it's not a priority just didn't say it was gonna be redesigned sok just put "banned from rank"^^

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