FW Bonus

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vorian, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Guys ffs. if you don't like the bonus don't play FW.

    If you don't play FW why the hell are you trying to change the faction that others actually do enjoy.

    Skeezick, SPiEkY and Tweek516 like this.
  2. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    No, I actually think its a good idea. I just think that some of the FW cards themselves would need to be tweaked, since right now they are balanced around not having a bonus. Also, design wise, doesn't solve the vampire problem, but then again what does xD.

    Honestly, I think we can do better, if we put our minds to it. Just think of the objective a new bonus would try to accomplish (more inclusive to a more runes within the FW faction, less linear gameplay, less situational).

    Right now, I see skeletons , high end zombies, high end cards in genearl, vampires, and on foul rite) not being able to take advanatage of the bonus. I see liches as having trouble early game due to no effective bonus yet late game scaling potential with the current bonus, cheap meat decks, and worms to also be problematic with the bonus.

    Currently, I don't see enough synergy (compared to how other bonuses synergize) with FW bonus and witches, skeletons (non cheap meat), vampires, and non cheap meat genearl. Sure it is nice to get a counter with dark healing out every once in awhile, or an additional dark favor, but truthfully it feels very lack luster compared to free stats or nora.

    The bonus you suggested will help witches and vampires, since they will snowball a bit better. Of course, they will still have a weaker bonus (because they won't want to die) but it'll be stronger than what it is now. But it wouldn't really address the issue completely.

    Changing the bonus to be a flat CD of 4 for all champions would be an interesting change, just for hypothetical purposes. What do you think of that @calisk ? Reason why I feel like that MIGHT address issues, is due to abilities like sabotage. It would also have an ACTUAL impact on things like Serkan as well (which as macca pointed out, doesn't do much ATM). It would give the current bonus a wider variety of uses while probably nerfing things like bile zombie, or keeping it the same.

    I'm sure theres other ideas, I didn't put too much math or knowledge behind my post, I'm more curious to hear what others think of that, or if they have other ideas.
  3. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    The bonus simply doesn't make sense with certain themes and runes.

    In certain situations, like cheap meat, the bonus works and FEELS really well. You feel like you control an army of undying units.

    In other themes you just think "well I wish I had a bonus" because there is no way effectively use the bonus without losing the game (you can't just go suicide your expensive unit just to see your bonus) . A bonus should be something that you feel in the games, even if the effect is sometimes very very slight. It should certainly NOT be something you have to mitigate with OP cards (in reference to a lack of bonus).

    Now you could argue that once you deploy a bunch of units, your bonus is really going to give you a huge advantage, because you will be able to deploy much faster once you units die. But in a REAL game situation, your opponent will find a way to kill at least one of your units very early or semi early. And your bonus still does not work until you can REVIVE that unit. So you don't have a bonus for a really long time, potentially (and usually) a game ending amount of time.

    Not to mention drawing a double of a unit rune when you have another on CD will negate your bonus entirely until you deploy both.

    I'm not trying to argue change for the sake of change, i'm trying to argue change to allow more viable battlegroups to be formed, and a more balanced, less binary design philosophy.

    If I were to start arguing against myself, I would start by saying how I should be suicide weaker units in order to gain advantage for stronger units. To which I could I would say is certainly a good argument, however, it does not address the fact that:

    Some themes really don't have good cheap options (that I can think of ), since cheap meat only works with the bonus if you are able to redeploy in time for it to positively impact the game.

    There are spells which make single champions useless (drown, doom, refute).

    How is it any less thematic of an expensive unit to come back from the dead than a cheap unit, and what is a good reason why the bonus shouldn't include higher end units in some real capacity as well?
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
  4. Xzablaz

    Xzablaz I need me some PIE!

    dude, i think every other FW players is enjoying that Bane Shift,
    like macca said

  5. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    There's plenty of people who just want to play a theme, and build a deck solely around abusing mechanics. "I think every other fw players isn't enjoying that ****".
    Like daddy said
  6. Xzablaz

    Xzablaz I need me some PIE!

    just make suggestion about theme you would like to play but cant because current FW bonus
  7. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    I was under the impression that Mobilization and Essence Drain were FW's bonus.
  8. HellGeist

    HellGeist New Member

    This will be a different comversation by the end of the year when pox has made it to the ps4 and a flood of new players come. people will want to play an undead theme but feel like they dont don't have a faction bonus. Unless you are losing the faction bonus doesn't kick in. Honestly the FW faction bonus is that you don't need to run as many champ cards in a BG and thus have more utility via spells and relics.
    DiCEM0nEY likes this.
  9. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    "Unless you are losing the faction bonus doesn't kick in."

    This statement is pretty disingenuous since it seems to follow a logic where losing any number of champions -> losing the game. It would be more honest to say that "if you have lost very few champions (and are likely winning the game) the faction bonus doesn't kick in".
    And I don't see how this is a problem. There are no bonuses for a flawless victory or a win-more scenario. If you've won without the bonus, then you didn't need the bonus. If you start to lose or if a close game starts to drag out, the bonus will always be there for you and will slowly tilt the game in your favor as you find yourself with more options than your opponent.

    It's not an easily quantifiable bonus (just like the IS bonus) but it puts in work.
  10. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    It's easy to quantify. FW bonus = bad

    It starts getting murky when you start throwing in crap like:
    1) I like playing the same 3 low cost champs in all FW bgs
    2) The bonus is crap to balance out (insert: Essence Drain/Mobilization/Boon of the Undead/Font Bonus)
    3) FW is cancer
    4) whatever
    DiCEM0nEY likes this.
  11. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    Create a 0 nora relic with font ignorance and preordained that gives you an extra space in your battlegroup and changes the faction bonus.
    Sorta like just playing a different faction...
  12. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    Almost like that's what they should be doing
  13. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I clearly did, but since you can't be bothered to read, :Vampires

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