Game art

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zythraak, Feb 6, 2017.

  1. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    Is there a way to extract rune arts for wallpapers and showing to friends? Very few rune images can be found online, and for me at least, the art on a lot of runes is what makes me want to play them!
  2. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    there are some wallpapers on poxnora site, in the media section.
    i think there is no access to all images, you would have to print screen into a new image.
  3. moodudu

    moodudu Member

    You can find a lot of full art by searching for the artist's name rather than "poxnora art." The artist has often titled the piece differently than what the rune name is. And often, the artist will have them on a gallery page on their own personal website.

    Of course, using this method, you're going to dig through a lot of Hearthstone art while you search. Most of the artists from this game's early days went on to do commission work for Blizzard there.

    Those are some of the most popular. Some sites might contain "tasteful"/artistic nudity.

    Personally, I wish there was a pixel art gallery featuring the pixel art of the runes. It's true a lot of it is hokey, but there are some pretty beautiful pixel pieces too. But that's even harder to find, since of course, the artist for the pixel portion isn't listed. I know Kelly Hamilton did a lot of it, but other than that, I've found very little.

    I guess I understand why PoxNora keeps everything pretty difficult to download straight from the site, so that people don't asset theft 'em.
    Zythraak, SPiEkY and Dolcebrodude like this.
  4. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    I honestly never thought to search by artist name. Thanks! Very helpful.
  5. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    If you are usingnusing windowa search your computer for the snip tool.

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