reward for pressing the action?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OriginalG1, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    I so agree with @davre that i must make a post about it. know your decks strength and figure out your enemies strength/weakness, all decks have them, not only combos, powerturns, momentum. stalling is a great way to learn your own deck, fight a few extra turns after an obvious loss to see if you can handle it or lore your opponent to play to aggressive and turn the fight. its just awesome when turning a fight from backing away and stalling then re-attack and force him to back away.
    Poxnora is alot like team sports in general, one side attacks and the other defends. some teams goes all out on defensive and try to counterattack 1-2 times per game and hope to win that way. boring as hell to watch, but sometimes effective.
  2. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    It's mostly the maps without middle fonts.
  3. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    ?If you feel your opponent is stalling,, then why dont you just rush in?
  4. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    People always ***** at me when I play super defensively and stall out games. They also ***** at me when I rush them and don't let them establish anything and just pour on the pressure. They also ***** at me when I chip away at them and instigate little skirmishes. And they also ***** at me when I attack, retreat for a turn, and then powerturn when they inevitably chase me.

    People ***** at me no matter what

    People are stupid
  5. Dolcebrodude

    Dolcebrodude The King of Potatoes

  6. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    out of curiosity, what would you suggest.

    I disagree with your original suggestion, this isn't a contact sport, it's a strategy game that applies all the tenants of the art of war, I don't want to see players rewarded for rushing in like complete morons, they do that enough without any help.

    all that said I can't even imagine a system in place that could reward this type of play, neither how it works nor what the reward would be so I'm curious what you had in mind.
  7. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    you get a rare calisk like.

    it's like a regular like but i only give out like 1 per 2 months
  8. Chris

    Chris I need me some PIE!

    Its about knowing what plays will work to get the job done. Playing against someone who plays the same style no matter what is like free xp
  9. mintdude1

    mintdude1 The King of Potatoes

    I can see what you're saying it gets so boring having to wait around whilst two players reach a stalemate situation where either one person risks a power turn, or shrine rushes you etc. However, that's one of the dynamics of the game... an easy way to explain it is to compare the game play to chess dynamics... you can't just rush in and start taking pieces with your queen with little regard and expect to be rewarded for aggression, you're just going to get your queen taken; another example, you can't just make a planned out aggressive play vs your opponent, not succeed, and be rewarded just for "trying", as that would mean your opponent would never have an advantage.

    In my opinion the dynamics of the game are fine as they are now in respect to what you are posing... however, the way in which to avoid the boring stalemates that are so often seen in higher level games, is to have mid font contention (like the Ironfist pass map) , and maps with multiple fonts (like the old ST one and the newer nora glades one); This forces peoples hands to make a move, and to not just b*tch out and wait for the opponent to make a mistake.
    OriginalG1 likes this.

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