RotD - Ravager [SL] | 4th May

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Buttes, May 4, 2017.

  1. Buttes

    Buttes The King of Potatoes

    Rune of the Day: Ravager


    1 - Which upgrades do you prefer running?
    2 - Do you think the upgrades are hard to pick between, or is it an easy choice?
    3 - How viable do you think this rune is currently?
    4 - What minor adjustment do you think would balance the rune, or is it fine as is?
    5 - What do you think of the flavour (art, text, sprite etc) of the rune?
    6 - Any other thoughts on the rune?

    Didn't he used to be race: dragon?
  2. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    I don't think a lot of players left know about the terror about a first turn Rav barrelling down to your font to contest with Hatching Season. That thing was a house, as iconic in the old time SL bgs as Vinny and Cannoneer.

    The funny thing is that its been mostly untouched across the years. Besides losing Dodge (and Dragon of course), what you see today is extremely close to the original champ. It's probably a testament to power/ability-creep that a decent pile of stats at such a cost went from god-like autoinclude to "why?". Well that and the Init nerf. And being a 2x2. And being all around fair, which doesn't cut it anymore. Probably hangs out with Nefari Dragon and swap stories from the good ol days when they were kings...

    Anyway all that is besides the point. I guess you Leap 3 and whatever Init, jump around a font for a couple of turns and ponder on the meaning of life and how evolution works for never giving you arms.
    Buttes likes this.
  3. Buttes

    Buttes The King of Potatoes

    Thanks Jib, that kind of post is exactly why I decided to do this. Nice to see you're still around and posting.

    Also for reminded me how much I hated when postman decks were common in ranked.
  4. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    1-leap3 iniative1 for a sadly high 72nora
    2-very hard, they are really boring
    3-think he should have got a better nora reduction with iniative nerf, so that he could be run with leap3+iniative2 and <70nora
    4-reduce his def&hp, reduce his cost, give him regen 1 as base upgrade and add scrapper as upgrade option beside iniative2 for an expensive powerful version.
    5-still gives me fear, wonder how many of my poor dwarfs these beasts used to eat
    6-give him more upgrade options, scrapper,bleed,deep wounds, rend, sunder, just seeing a great rune having just leap and iniative to chose from is dull.
    Dont think ive seen him in pvp since i did come back to poxnora, probably not even in PvE skirmish games
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    I think it was the init change that hit him more than anything else tbh. And the general evolution of the game.

    Hes alright, just a bit bland and fair - which Jib mentioned isn't good enough nowadays.

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