Daily Quests are so freaking obnoxious

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by claydude5, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    I see my Daily Quests.

    I do my daily skirmishes.

    I expect quests to be done.

    They aren't.

    I'm 0/2 progress still.

    This happens all the damn time.

    I swear there is like a 50% change for these quests not to register progress.

    Now I'm forced to play PVP with training bgs just to do my quests I should have been able to do with my skirmishes.

    A new player will be extremely turned off the game if this happens to them.
  2. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I've never had that happen. How long are your games lasting? Are you winning the games? Are you deploying a champ that satisfies the requirement for the class/damage type?
  3. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    I've heard this once or twice, but with no reproduceable results... If we are to fix this we need more details.

    What is your goal?

    Which champion are you using to satisfy the goal?

    any other details you have will be appreciated, if we cannot reproduce the issue its very difficult to know what is wrong, especially when it seems to work fine 98% of the time.
  4. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    I had Attack:Fire and Class Knight.

    I added Flame Levi and Elarin Reaper to my solitary garu daily bg. Both done 0/2 progress.
  5. WhatTheHex

    WhatTheHex The King of Potatoes

    If you finish the skirmish in like 2 mins your quests don't count.
  6. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    How long did the game last? Solitary Garu tells me you rushed it.
  7. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    That's some bull. It isn't like I'm creating a 2nd account and surrendering instantly, I finished my game vs the AI.
  8. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    The turn timer is long, just let it run once then rush the game.
  9. Moles

    Moles Administrator Octopi

    So it sounds as if you are not meeting the short game criteria, try letting the game run for at least 5 minutes to make sure you gain rewards.
  10. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    That's a damn stupid rule
    Valkyr likes this.
  11. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    My technique for the dailies is:
    Obelisk of Foresight x2
    Deploy Solitary Garu
    Time Slip + Flight spell
    Havoc's Touch
  12. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    Yes same here, but apparently there are "Anti Rush Rules" Because DoG need to make doing dailies even more of a chore.
  13. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    Its still only ten minutes to do both, and that returns around 1000 gold. It's worth it to me. I usually just stop and watch a youtube video for five minutes before finishing the shrine.
  14. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Then don't do the dailies.
    Tweek516, MaruXV and Skeezick like this.
  15. Boomshankka

    Boomshankka New Member

    It's happening to me also. Psn player, i have a full Ironclad Bg , won about 4 solo missions and the daily quest is not flagging. Other quests to.
  16. GoldTiger

    GoldTiger I need me some PIE!

    I can confirm that dailies aren't working at all on the PSN client. Been playing ranked for the past few hours and never once procced my ranked win daily, let alone the other dailies.
  17. Beruge

    Beruge I need me some PIE!

    Dailies are not working for me either.

    Yesterday i got a win pvp and win custom game. Today i can not get this. Maybe internal cooldown is not on the game but on the player?

    psn player
    Silverup likes this.
  18. Boomshankka

    Boomshankka New Member

    This game owes us gold
  19. demonswish

    demonswish New Member

    eh as long as its not more then 5 min i dont mind.

    edit: Does different difficulty offer different rewards now? man that kinda bugs me though i just want the one option.

    edit:edit: I actually can't even play the daily. On steam launcher msg is;

    You cannot play that encounter.
  20. Chris

    Chris I need me some PIE!

    surely beating it too fast is a good thing, you get to get the gold again? no? 200 gold for 2 minutes work then repeat.

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