Creeper Bugs!!

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Lucid, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Lucid

    Lucid The King of Potatoes

    First off, I know I'm more than likely one of the only players playing Creepers anymore so put this down on the list of fixes.

    First bug happens if you have to reload the game during a match. When you rejoin your game the shrine summoning area reports incorrectly. My guess is that it's loading the old Creep bonus before they were changed. The shrine summoning area is larger than it would normally be but it doesn't allow you to summon in the exterior squares.

    Example: I've summoned one Blinking Creeper to extend the creep. In the first image you'll see the creep working as intended. I've brought out a Putrid Creeper to help visualize the problem for the second image.


    In this second image I have quit out of the game and reloaded the match I was currently in. You'll notice that the Creep has extended one invalid space for summoning. (My thought is that it reloads the old rules for Creepers on a re-load. They used to increase the summoning zone by 2 when summoned in your shrine.) I've attempted to summon the Putrid Creeper on the most exterior square which gives me an error in my Combat Log which I have pulled up to display. *EDIT* This is cumulative effect. If you have to leave about 10 turns in the creep will continue to grow by 2 for each Creeper summoned(after the re-load), pretty much making it impossible to tell where to summon unless you try the furthest out and then move in one tile at a time.


    The second major bug I've noticed with creepers is that if you extend the creep to a unit that has Shrine Defender the unit doesn't get the bonus from the ability until he has actually moved at least 1 square in the existing shrine deployment zone. This might be as intended but it seems like a bug to me.

    I have many more to add but need to take a few screenshots to display/explain them properly.

    Thanks for your time!
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
  2. Lucid

    Lucid The King of Potatoes

    Here is an example of a completely bugged out game. While I was winning this is an EXTREME example of the 2 creep growth on reload.

  3. Lucid

    Lucid The King of Potatoes

  4. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    We are getting ready to patch, but I will look into this first thing once the server comes back up.
  5. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    The first one seems to be only visual because you can still only deploy champions within the "intended" deployment area despite it looking larger. Regardless this has been added to our list.

    The second, we have been working on resolving issues where stationary champions where having passive conditions remain or not be applied until after they move. This one involving the Putrid Creeper has been added to the list, thanks for reporting and the bump.
    Lucid likes this.
  6. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    Just played creeps and found the following problem:

    The deployment zone is NOT extending at all. I did disconnect in the game, so not sure if that's linked as per reported in the above bug.

    The visual shows extended deployment zone, but I can only deploy in the original zone.


    It's not resetting back to original zone... but the visual makes it impossible to tell where the deployment zone is
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014

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