Client getting better...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LoserSlick, Sep 8, 2017.

  1. LoserSlick

    LoserSlick Devotee of the Blood Owl

    gameplay slowing improving!

    thanks greens and keep grinding!

    Tweek516, Varthas and MaruXV like this.
  2. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    Thank you for taking forever to fix it after taking forever to break it. You are the best!
    DiCEM0nEY likes this.
  3. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    Client is alot better imo. Now it seems to remember screen resolution, and also if it was full screen or not when it was last closed down. That i really liked.

    Movements feel crisper, gameflow feels better. I played two very good fights against PS4 players, and i lost both, and it made me glad that the consol guys can be competitive with a smooth and stable client.

    What i would wish for now is the chat thing, in old client the chat tab startet to blink red if someone wrote something, i really miss that because now i often find myself checking if someone has wrote anything, especialy before game start or end because of the chat reseting.

    The new client is already a different beast to the old.
    LoserSlick likes this.
  4. LoserSlick

    LoserSlick Devotee of the Blood Owl

    see i really wish they would have kept the old one around for a basis of comparison... specifically, due to the kinds of things you just mentioned

    yup - gameplay mechanics are getting there. tho constantly having to ability-key out of mis-movements is still happening fairly regularly. hoping for that fix in the next patch.

    that said, the new ui/menu is something i don't think i'll ever get over (lol doesn't mean i won't still play). i get that mere functionality is going to be first priority right now, but wanna sneak in a quick digression anyway...

    like even aesthetically i think the old client fit poxnora's sort of 'old-school' nostalgic feels and personality... the new one just seems odd. maybe even a little out of place? more importantly tho, it feels drastically less communal than the old client (and chat's definitely part of it). hope devs start putting their heads together on how to address this particular problem sooner than later.

    lol probably getting ahead of myself a bit here, but whatevs. just glad to see we're making progress at this point :D
  5. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    I agree with the look and feel the old client had, but the new client has a right look for it`s young age, and also with the introduction of the consol Poxers. The new client is a ton more fun to log in to than the old, since i always forgot to tick "fullscreen" and didnt bother to log out and in again. With the new it is very good as soon as a game start i just hit Alt + Enter to go fullscreen, and it remember the resolution. It is a small miracle compared to the old client!

    We have not yet had a christmas with the new client, and with the old we had many. The new client gonna evolve with time.

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