The best review I can find of The Last Jedi

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ragic, Jan 16, 2018.

  1. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

  2. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    These are my favorite reviews. So good. Love these guys so much. I subscribed the first time I heard Jeff Hicks commentary. He vocalizes exactly what I am thinking about these new star wars movies.
  3. Excalibur95

    Excalibur95 I need me some PIE!

    epic ragic, i have zero need to go watch any of the new star wars now since that review sufficed. what a load of trash these new films are.
    Alakhami likes this.
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Why do you guys want to make everything about feminism/misandrism. culture wars and anti-white?

    is it because being angry and feeling like you are being opressed is the only way you can achieve an erection? in my opinion only ungratified sexual desires can fuel so much rage.

    I sincerely want to know why with many legitimate criticism you can give do you make it about these things?
    BurnPyro likes this.
  5. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    sadly, i kind of agree with this. while the movie had obvious mary sue problems rooted in feminist propaganda, and obvious "token" diversity casting, the sargon 'review' read way too far into things and wasn't very funny. he's acting like it was pure commie propaganda rather than just a typical disney comic book movie
  6. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    this is funny though
    Tweek516 likes this.
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    he acted like Star Wars is yet another franchise being run into the ground by SJW's, like WotC, and he's right.
  8. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty


    the examples you posted have funny comments which show that there are a large group of people like yourself who hold those opinions and a large group of people like me that think you are imagining things and you are a sexually frustrated individual.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    I thought leia flying through space was stupid and some of the rose parts were pretty dumb. I laughed some through the movie and thought some things were dumb. Never did I feel like women were in anyway oppressing the dudes besides the purple haired chick simply being a ***** to further the plot and keep audience in suspense I guessed. Not the best movie ever, not the worst movie ever. I enjoyed it and don't feel like I wasted my time.
    Tweek516 likes this.
  10. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Must be a sad life when even movies are out to get you.
    Astamir likes this.
  11. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    this is the best review

    BTW: Im happy rey's parents are nobodies, rey's parents were significant to her but not to the wider audience which is what I thought at first and I am glad all you Rey Skywalker- Rey Kenobi people were WRONG!

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    or how she was going to turn to the dark side and kylo was going to turn to the light side which would have been Firking stupid
  13. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    tbf its unlikely that Kylo was telling the truth even if he is right. If her parents were nobodies it would be unlikely that he would know who they were in order for him to tell her.
  14. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

  15. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Hey don't get me wrong I hope her parents remain nobodies. Just saying its improbable that he would be capable of telling the truth in this instance.
  16. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Usually US films of mass production incoroprate trending ideas and notions of society, one way or another. It was pretty obvious how the Marvel movies depicted that (if you're any good at looking through the motivations of characters connected with the archetypal symbolism), I'm sure that the new Star Wars films are no exception. haven't watched it, not planning to, but just saying that such things happen really often.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  17. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    Milo seems to be saying the same thing. I trust him, he's very well read and educated and I haven't seen him Firk up any debate due to ignorance or idiocy. (or Firk up any debate for that matter.)
  18. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    he is wrong about rogue one in that very video.

    he intentionally comes across as this which is inherently suspicious to me, we got this saying in the Netherlands "doe maar gewoon, dan doe je al gek genoeg" or "just be normal/yourself, you'll be crazy enough" it seems like he is doing it as "his thing" like Trump and his brand, or Putin and doing things shirtless.
  19. Alakhami

    Alakhami I need me some PIE!

    well, he is a provocateur, no arguing there. I actually was thinking more about the way he structures his line of arguments and how he uses rhetorical tools in them and in his speech in general. as soon as I listened to him, I straight away though that he's an englishman that studied the classics, and what do you know? I google him today and find out he has studied Philosophy and English Language and Lit in Cambridge. That's why, in spite of his rather harsh trolling from time to time, he is enjoyable to listen to on a intellectual level. and even if he tends to exaggerate stuff quite often, I can still see pretty visible seeds of truth in his rhetoric.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2018
  20. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Seems like a silly thing to do.

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