Should faction bonuses exist?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alakhami, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    heh. sounds like its all hammered out.
  2. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I would prefer faction bonuses not existing.
  3. zenadel

    zenadel The King of Potatoes

    For me the real necessary bonuses for factions are only font types, and avatars plus their skills. So you can more focus on using font bonuses.
    So FW - full shadow font, FS - full water font, ST - full snow font, SP - full ooze font, SL - full sand font, IS - full rock font and UD - like now FS but lava.
    I would love to see font gems generating some effects too.
    Varthas likes this.
  4. DiCEM0nEY

    DiCEM0nEY I need me some PIE!

    I just don't see why there is time being dedicated to this. The star bonuses are relatively the same, with a few outlier. Bring them up/ down to par, and leave it. There's so many things that are skewing the game balance right now, complaining about this is ignorant.
  5. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    If you look at history and the why didn`t Napoleon overmatch Moscow with a stronger army then you`ll see that the polar bear that coped with both demands won over a technicaly stronger opponent. That same mistake got repeated in WWII.

    When it is freezing cold you don`t control the enviroment but the enviroment controls you, in Russia they knew this already, while on the other side Napoleon had never faced bone chilling temperatures and didn`t even take it into consideration.
  6. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    but aren't the bonuses doing exactly that? the point of the thread?
    you seem to agree,
    lets discuss:

    just because you say something is balanced, doesnt mean it actually is. even tho u yourself say its imbalanced.
    ok om confused again :)
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
  7. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    king leonidas and his 300 men held off xerxes and over 70,000 men, (historians estimate). by causing a bottleneck,, id say thats far more impressive ,,, and it wasnt even cold!!
    most armies do well in there homeland,, even sports team.
    .its not just about being cold. its about knowing your terrain and how to use it.
    hot or cold.
    it woud be just as hard for some to travel through the desert, as it would the cold no?
    or anywhere thats not your natural home.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2018
  8. greed4blood

    greed4blood The King of Potatoes

    dont know if trolling or actually brainless

    Except for FW obviously. FW sucks and is not thematic at all.
  9. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    The cold affects different than the hot, in the desert you seek shelter from the sun on the warmest times and you can use that time for resting and building strength, some call it siesta. But fighting the cold you need a different approach, the need to both find shelter and creating a heat source, so no time for siestas. That gives some extra stamina, but affects overall strength because of the hardened work burden.

    So where both elements are tough on the living, they affect the outcome different.

    Hitler knew about the cold winter and had planned to get to Moscov before the winter came and he almost did it. What he couldn`t plan for was the fact that the winter came one month earlier than normal. The russians on the other side knew the winter was coming sooner or later and was naturaly more prepared. Noone can fight in those conditions, especialy without the correct winter gear, the russians knew this.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  10. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    dont be silly,
    hitler could have easily defeated russia if that was his only opponent,
    you seem to forget he was not only fighting russia but basically the rest of the world. He had like 2 other fronts.
    if hitler rose to power and his only focus was russia, he would have destroyed them , no problem.
    At that point in time Germany could have defeated any country on a 1v1..again, dont be silly.
  11. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    What are you on about?? I was talking about this spesific campaign wich was part of ww2, and about how frost was the issue of several hundreds of thousands of troops, and mostly the german troops who lost more than 200.000 soldiers to frost and starvation alone. Wich highlights another problem with frost, the fact that 80% of youre intake is used to keep warm.
  12. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    my point is people think its the cold that single handedly defeated german troops in Russian. .
    But most people leave out the fact that , by that time in the war hitler was suffering paranoia schiz., he was sure stalin was gonna attack him,, even tho he had a treaty with russia,
    So againt his generals recommendations, he invaded russia,, again,, at the same time,, he
    was holding off allied invasions from the west and south from italy.He was simply spread too thin and angered to many nations
    all at once.
    So again. my point is,if germany wanted to destroy russia and only russia, it could have done so handily, Cold or no Cold.
    Not to mention germans know a thing or too about cold as well.
    either way ww2 always an interesting topic.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  13. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    Dude, the germans started the eastern campaign as a late summer push intented to be on target before winter came, so the germans was equipped with summer uniforms and summer lubricants for theire guns & vehicles. They asked for the winter set, but Hitler assured them it was gonna be over before winter. Yes they know about winter in germany, but they didn`t know winter would come a month earlier this particular year.

    The russians on the other hand had plentiful winterclothing since they where on home turf. So even though the russians also got cold in the same weather, they had proper clothes, wich makes all the difference, between dying and living.

    All was well and good with Hitlers plan ecept for winter came so early. Altough I doubt it would have changed anything even if the germans had got to moscov without the early winter, the russians always planned to rebound in the spring, and got alot of help from UK/US via the arctic sea route to Archangelsk/Kursk.
  14. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    just fyi,, at the time leading upto ww2, germany was the richest nation in europe, by far,, whatever they had, it was the best of the time, tanks, planes, bullets , and probably coats.
    its pretty much agreed that had hitler finished off europe, england, then turn his sights to take russia at his leisure, it would have been a different story,, it was a blundered move.
    I guess we can have an op
    but for me,, the ultimate german failure in russia was simply having to many fronts, not so much cuz they had shittier coats.
  15. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    I understand what you are saying and i don`t totaly disagree, but if you look at the tanks on the eastern front, and look away from the fact the russians had 3 times as many of them and by far shorter supply routes to keep them going, the German tanks where to heavy with to narrow tracks for winter/spring time russia, whiles the russian T-34 was somewhat lighter and with wider tracks specificaly designet to the homesoils.

    So while the German tanks where alot "better" they where not that mutch better on Russian soil because they had no traction, and the only thing that could pull out a stuck Tiger was another Tiger, they had major problems compared to the Russians, although they could start to fire almost a km earlier than the russians, they lacked flanking speed and they lacked tanks.

    And regarding the winter coats/gear, yes they make all the difference in the far east winter time. If you don`t belive me then take a tour de Moscov wintertime with youre hawaii shorts and a backpack and report back how the cold was. Generaly speaking in large scale wars wintertimes are never about advancing but holding the line while waiting for spring.

    On topic, yes faction bonuses must exist(but please nerf ST`s and buff FW`s, it`s my non biased view).
  16. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    so ultimately your saying that if germany was not at war with like 10 other countries,, and focused all of there might to russia they would have lost?
    I think thats were we disagree.

    its funny. I use to play alot of war sims and tbs strats,,,, if u look at the starting resources of each country at the time,, u get a true sense of how powerful germany was relative to other countries.
    the only thing that made it even is that germany basically has to fight everyone.
    I think that idea should always be considered when measuring countries at that time.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
  17. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    if you've ever played axis and allies I think they do a pretty good job of representing just how poweful germany was at the start of the war, you can usually just stampede across any land connected country you choose to attack, but the water and how thin their forces get as they spread out is always their downfall.
  18. Varthas

    Varthas I need me some PIE!

    They didn`t do that, Hitler was so dumb he couldn`t even focus his mighty Bismarck, Tirpitz, Prinz Eugen and a few uboats to work togheter, instead he let em be singled out and swarmed down before they got achieved anything compared to the costs of building them. How he would ever been capable of taking over Russia is beyond me.

    Also you seem to forget that much of Germanys brainpower left the country because they didn`t belive in the super reich, and they handed the US the atom bomb.

    Also keep in mind that because of WW1 Germany had many limitations to how big of a army it could have stockpiled to attack Russia before the worlds attention was looking at the kriegsmachine.
  19. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    regardless of the limitations after world war 1, Hitler still built a devastatingly large army right under the rest of the worlds noses without anyone being able to stop him, nobody wanted another war, and nobody was willing to step up to prevent him. To his credit Hitler was good at reading the people, it's how he came into power, it's how he maintained power, and it's how he got as far as he did before Britain inevitably stepped in.

    hitlers problem in leading his armies stemmed from his lack of trust in his own army, as a dictator he was afraid the army would attempt a coup and as such kept his generals in a position of never having enough information to fully organize against him, but also made it so his top generals could never make fully informed decisions.

    none of that would of mattered if he had of brought Germanies full power against Russia at the start of the war, and if he had no need to worry about anything else, hell even with a small portion of their maximum forces they were still pushing into russia quite easily with their biggest issue being the terrain, losing out on lack of supplies and the harsh winters. would Russia of had their undivided attention I don't think thy could of faught back.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2018
    Varthas and bambino like this.
  20. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    this this this.
    russia would have been obliterated if that was the only thing on hitlers plate, snow or no snow.

    axis and allies , heh, good friends and some sticky,
    good times bruh,, good times.

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