aspect of divinity

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bushido, Apr 22, 2021.


    GAIAMASTERakaNANI The King of Potatoes

    I faced someone using 2 AoD. I'm glad that i had Metamagic Backlash (Wich the main reason i'm running this rune was to deal with Aspect of Death last year). The first AoD he popped was like super buffed and was reaching 90 hp, i swear. I'm glad i had Metamagic. I used MMB in the first AoD and the second wasn't strong enough, so i just rolled her with Dreadnought and a power turn.
  2. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Im speaking on aspect of divine here; aspect of death isnt very strong unfortunately, I don't think he needs his own tla (three letter acronym) since he shouldnt see much play. Granted, he probably SHOULD see play in this meta, but his overall power per nora cost is too low.
  3. Woffleet

    Woffleet I need me some PIE!

    How do you guys run Aspect of Death? Death charged 1 is way too slow. 3 is alright but at that point, it's a massive tempo hit.
  4. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Aodeath shouldn't be run period. He is too expensive and his end game win condition is unreliable.

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