DOG's stance on... "unruly" players.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rokkushun, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!


    We agree on almost everything. Excellent. I have evolved into a Libertarian over the years. It shows in my posts.

    The vast majority of adults, legally, are competent. Perchance myopic fools, but competent nonetheless.

    #5: Open up a firework stand in the front yard, and make cash off my pyrotechnic neighbor. Do I win a virtual cookie? :)
  2. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    FYI the fireworks analogy isn't a great one for this discussion.
  3. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    People like that ruin pox something bad.....Bring back Moderators!....please
  4. Anotherblackman

    Anotherblackman I need me some PIE!

    Command is called /Ignore add (username)

    Or just talk s**t back...
    newsbuff and NiGhtMaRiK like this.
  5. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I don't understand why everyone is so... "complacent" about this? Why is it alright for someone to spew out racial slurs without any repercussions what so ever?
    I wasn't even hardly offended by his crass behavior and this thread was -meant- to get a statement about the "rules" on behavior since no statement has been made since the company switch.

    Just because an ignore feature is available doesn't mean that this type of behavior is admissable. If I was a new player coming into this enviroment I would simply turn around and leave, not because of the language one person uses but because the solution the company of the game has is simply "just do /ignore lol wimp baby".
    Etherielin, Faxtar, Aleswick and 3 others like this.
  6. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    Rokku I agree with you, but the truth is there is very little morality left in the world, much much less on the internet. I am in your corner. I think people that get to that point of anger over a game should be kicked. I find it disturbing that I am here only to play this game during my time of R&R and to know there are low life people out there just trying to ruin others fun.

    The guy who went so far to define "curse" words and these others who say "people shouldn't be policed" make me scratch my head and shrug my shoulders. This is the problem not only with this game, but even the world. Social experiments have proven that our world today has became numb to "wrongful" acts. Its like we accept it as a whole. Is it because "it doesn't concern me", or is it "well as long as they didn't do it to me" attitudes that people in today's time have; I don't know. The truth is, my friend, there won't be any thing done about this. Let's face facts.

    Here is a list why:

    1) Your supporting peers are powerless outside of agreeing with you.
    2) Your opposing peers have shown they could care less.
    3) DoG cannot afford to lose any players.
    4) THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL - They could always make a new profile and come back. Then your right back at square one.

    Truth is... nothing will be done... but your not alone. I believe this was completely wrong and uncalled for.
  7. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    Wait, are you saying that people shop the interwebs with an expectation of politeness? I've seen this behavior everywhere on every game I've ever played, regardless of the games rules.

    You can take out the fellas racial slurs and the worst of the curse words and make a hate filled rage that would have passed most moderation and the only way it doesn't break the readers heart is if he's able to eyeroll and ignore, move on, close chat, laugh at him etc.

    Here's what's so dumb about society and your post articulates it perfectly: I'm "complacent" , the next sentence assumes that I'm alright with this behavior which infers tolerance which leads to acceptance and assimilation of my views and morals on ton that of the rager.

    Next "just because the ignore feature is available doesn't mean this type of behavior is acceptable". There's another passive accusation. People who propose ignore as a solution think this behavior is acceptable?

    I get that I'm reading further into your words than is expressly written but you seem plenty intelligent enough to see how you words can be read that way.

    And that's the problem. You've had your values installed by mainstream society who wants to nuke a whole on the ground where stood a person who said a bad word because it's the trendy thing to do.

    I'm not saying it's acceptable. I'm saying it's the interwebs, laugh and move on.
    newsbuff and DarkJello like this.
  8. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Aren't you perpetuating said behavior if you choose to turn a blind eye to it?

    I get that the internet is full of asshats and nothing can be done about it, but there's like 20 active players here. It deserves to be called out.
    Astamir likes this.
  9. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - The internet lacks accountability and due to this promotes a "deal with it"/catfish behavior. Luckily its moving in a better direction....laugh and move on but dont be surprised when you lose your job for that "cool snarky" comment on Facebook about your company.

    - Bullying and being racist and the like are steadily becoming actions that have consequences and repercussions. Simply being in Your underwear not in the physical presence of the individual is and will continue to be not an acceptable defense. So deal with it goes both ways...i dont act in the extreme either way but i also wouldn't cry for a banned ip for using extreme language and racism on a video game. " get reported" LoLegends 2014
  10. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    From "Welcome to General Chat" of the forums:

    Some important things to keep in mind:
    • There are real people behind these screen names. Please be courteous and respectful to your fellow posters.
    • Do not troll, flame, or threaten anyone.
    • Please keep threads on topic and in the correct categories.
    • Do not not reveal any personal or account information.
    • Moderators are players who volunteer their time to maintain the integrity of the forums.
    • Be sure to review Pox Nora's Code of Conduct:
    Note: If there is a spam bot on the loose in the forums make sure you use the Report button on it's posts so we can deal with it swiftly.

    Thanks, and enjoy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2014

    PoxZuo,Jan 22, 2014

    #1 and #16 in the above Code of Conduct link, as well as the first sentence of the opening paragraph of the same, are on target for this thread.

    Looks like DoGz covered it nicely more than 5 months ago. The above applies to in-game chat. Questions?

    Sir Baconator, myself, and others are NOT condoning the behavior. Rather, our strategery is to avoid feeding the trolls. DoGz can kick, ban, mute, or send a letter to Dear Abby as they see fit. I am super confident that DoGz does NOT have free time to run around policing everything. Forcing others to "be good" is an impossible task. Swiftly punishing terrible behavior can be effective. But acting like Nanny Bloomberg does more harm than good in the long-run, and is a waste of time and money IMO. (i.e. Tyrant-esque behavior is counterproductive). Mary Poppins is the only person I know with the skillz to fill the internet with sugar, spice, and everything nice. But it would probs take here a few decades. Chillax and enjoy the 4th, World Cup action, beer, mountain dew, hawties, and/or many other assorted marvels of the modern world. Play Pox. Don't give away your power to trollz and haters. Choose the other path. Live life and such. God bless.
  11. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    The hypocrisy gets tired on these type of subjects -__-

    Who are you to tell people how to behave? Furthermore, who are you to decide what is ACCEPTABLE behavior?
    That was an undertone of my last "essay" i posted in this thread.
    You can't change Bane Shift just because you don't like it or its not the desired behavior in your culture.

    Where does it stop? What do you want?

    Do you want cursing to not be allowed and to be punished?
    Ok other hurtful words will be chosen.

    Do you want someone saying mean things to someone to be punished? Who is deciding whats mean and what isn't?

    For instance there are opinionated things that can be said that aren't really mean. They can be said with the intent of being hurtful and they can be received as such.
    "Why would you move there? You know im going to kill him right? You suck at this game!"

    The person could of said nothing, but then again this whole thread would be mute if that was the case.
    The phrasing could be "mean" because he said suck and didn't say he was bad at the game. So there again a word defines the magnitude.
    If someone calls you bad at a game is that enough for them to receive punishment?
    They could of simply asked "Are you new?" after you make a bad move(s).
    For long time players with pride in their play, they would take offense to that. Its clear you're taking a shot at them because of poor play.
    To a new player it may not jar them at all, they may laugh, admit to being new and ask for help.
    So now we have a case where depending on who you said it to, you could be offending them and subject to punishment.

    Say you have a whole list of words you can't say or you will be subject to punishment.
    THAT WONT MATTER! There are other ways to offend people and there are other words to use to say the same stuff because words don't mean sh*t.

    Talking about "offending" someone, thats subjective.
    You should be punished because something you don't find offensive and is common dialogue where you're from bothers another player?
    Or they could just be a baby.
    We are all talking about rather widely accepted "bad" behavior and language however some people are extra sensitive.
    They may take offense to you telling them that there combo is bad, they don't use a rune right, or there player name sounds jewish.

    Point is that people have different levels of tolerance and cultural differences make some things appropriate for some and not for others.
    Therefore, you can't punish people on subjective behavior. Once you do its a hypocritical mess. People just start pointing fingers.
    When all the "bad" words and typical "bad" behavior is weeded out then the petty people who are forced to stop using these words, the crusaders who fought to get them removed and the overly sensitive wage war on everything else.
    "He said this or that, that offended me, how is this any better than this, he told me i could of played better ( you're bad), finger point, finger point, blah, blah, etc"
    And the point is that its all justified. Petty or not, silly or not. Youd find this 3rd or 4th wave of oppression silly, but thats how some feel about the initial crusade.
    If im offended, you shouldn't be able to do it and could get punished.
    At that point you might aswell not talk in chat at all. You just killed a huge social aspect of the game. Not to mention some of the rune flavor text goes against this "new" hyper moralic sentiment.

    I really don't understand why this bothers people so much anyway. I don't have to be around you everyday,or often at all.
    You have little to no influence on my life.
    If i went to school with you or work and you called me a b;tch it may be more concerning because i have to deal with you often and your words may be a precursor to a physical conflict later.
    Also being that i know you in real life, i know that you have a direct influence on my surroundings and can impact my life if you wished to.
    If you call me a b;tch in this game, id laugh first. Id think it was funny and wonder why you were calling me that.
    Or it may have been after you hitting yourself off an RD then id laugh because i know exactly why you said it.
    Id laugh and be done. You didn't make me cry, my money is still in my back account, my runes are all here, that chick still coming over later, and this tea is good.
    Plus i whipped dat azz. So why do i care a stranger on the internet said bad things to me?
    If i was extra sensitive like some of you, id just close the chat, take refuge in all i said in the last sentence, and id continue to play.
    Me personally, i find people raging amusing. Its entertaining. It doesnt harm me and its like watching a kid throw a temper tantrum in the dollar store.
    Sometimes they say some really funny things too. They become my private jester.
    Also, i know how to take care of myself. So if they harass me, i will go back and forth with them for amusement when im bored.
    Ignore them when im busy or have outgrown them. I use them!

    You're not gonna make a happy go lucky, fun loving, utopian environment. And to be honest, i think it would be boring if you could.
    There have been said philosophically on different things "without evil good cannot exist"


    Words don't matter, other words take their place to fulfill the desired effect. Being offended is subjective and differs person to person, so you shouldn't try to police an inconsistent.
    Ignore function and having base level elementary problem solving skills is all you need. You don't have to believe there behavior is acceptable, but they don't have to conform to your idea of "good" or appropriate either.
    If we banned every1 who offended you, we'd have a very small playerbase and that was pretty oppressive. If your goal is to only have "good" people to play this game, that isn't gonna happen and your policy wont change who any1 is that normally would of used this "bad" behavior. You just silenced them. Which is odd. Because they aren't going to talk to you, so your chat is empty and useless. However, if they were raging at you, you could close your chat and it would serve the same purpose and your game experience would be the same. I suppose knowing someone doesn't like you and seeing a blinking chat bar is so unnerving that its too much to handle. If you ask boozha, not talking in chat is rude and just as offensive as lol. You cant please every1, so just be a big boy and press ignore! ;)
    enkiadu and DarkJello like this.
  12. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    That's a ****load of words trying to tell us we shouldn't care.

    Didn't read lol
    Thbigchief and Dagda like this.
  13. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Our official stance is that we will not take any specific action against people for what they say. This is a small community and if we were to take action every time some said something stupid it would become a much smaller community.

    We have an in-game profanity filter that should block anything inappropriate when it is activated in your options menu. Otherwise, everyone has the power use the /ignore command so they aren't bothered by players they feel are disruptive.
  14. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    It was more so breaking down peoples self importance of believing that their idea of appropriate and offensive should be law and be punished
  15. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    I can get behind that.

    For me, this thread isn't about asking for strict moderation to deal with cases like in the first post. It's more about Browhatever realizing how dumb he looks and WHO KNOWS, might be the start of a whole new outlook on his interactions with other players.

    Who am I kidding...
    DarkJello likes this.
  16. Oldmaster

    Oldmaster I need me some PIE!

    Personally, I prefer a lack of moderation on the Internet. Harassment is a bit different, as numerous posters above me have said. I wouldn't say I enjoy someone being an asshat, but at least I know not to engage with said person in the future. Unless its for entertainment at their expense.
    DarkJello likes this.
  17. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

  18. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    generally speaking, if you want to do something like that, you may want to present it in a post that will actually get read. otherwise the message rather gets lost. i realize that english is likely not your first language, but you have to understand that that doesn't make emotional rants any *easier* to understand for the rest of us.

    my general philosophy here is that you can think whatever you like. i've had dreams where i ****ed the brains out of literally everything around me. not gonna say memories of those haven't floated through my mind from time to time. but there's a clear line between the thought and the action.

    where i think i'll lose people is when i say that speaking is an action in the same way. it's all just different forms of communication to me. it, like any other action you could conceive of, comes with a cost (unlike in DnD, where it's a free action). people just don't seem to give a Bane Shift too often about other people, which doesn't seem sustainable to me. that make sense? (not directed explicitly at oldma)

    or you could stop being such a selfrighteous ****. i have quite thick skin, i like this game, and frankly i doubt that this 'penguin club' thing (i'm assuming a kid gamesite) is actually that much better. if i want to make a better community, i'll try to make it in a place with good real estate (for starters). and to me, pox is that.

    also, while i may need to grow my pair some, i am quite sure that i have them
  19. StupidJerk

    StupidJerk I need me some PIE!

    My idea is that a new player to this game has still probably spent at least some time on the internet before coming here, and is no stranger to people being bell-ends and douchebags. It's perfectly fine to be offended by something, and I'm not going to further insult or blame you for not liking what you see. However, it is fully within your power at any time to stop seeing what you don't want to see, and it's your responsibility as your own individual to do so for yourself.
    DarkJello likes this.
  20. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

    I'm perfectly ok with rude internet people. I enjoy them.
  21. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!


    Focusing on your own words and behavior is the best way to keep Pox groovy, and/or make the community better.

    If I do the same, that helps some. StupidJerk can help out and Razzoriel and even that "rascal" known as iPox. Individually.

    This thread has been win. Discussions are clarifying. And Senshu even stated the law of Pox for all to read.
    StupidJerk likes this.

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