DOG's stance on... "unruly" players.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rokkushun, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    i agree to an extent, and sure if everyone was nice everything would be nice, but we don't get to that point by a few people being nice. i dunno. i'm also probably quite on the other end of the ''individuality! ! !'' spectrum from you (which, hey bakki, is where my conditioning started me off)

    dunno how familiar you are with the notion of intentional cohousing communities, DaJe (i was gonna say DJ but i wanted to avoid confusion)
  2. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    How is it that i give off the idea that english isn't my first language? What?
  3. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    when i talk with people online i make a series of guesses sort of subconsciously about them/their background. i don't have a stellar record for pinning people who don't have english as a first language (there are a decent number of gimmes, i don't count those either way), but it's still one of the things i guess at.

    so far as why you landed in the non-native tongue section, your name as a whole is about 1%, then your post-history in my mind tends to be filled with poor spelling, grammar, and syntax, as well as poor syntax. also a decent amount of negative emotion. all of these tend to be indicative in my experience of non-native speakers- the poor language use for obvious reasons, the negative emotion i'd assume because they're used to being misunderstood and they're pissed. i dunno. i imagine some of them are just unhappy people / at a bad point in their lives.

    in any case, that's approximately why. again, i'm fully aware that i'm not right about this with enough regularity to make a business of it, but it's close enough for my own purposes.
  4. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    That is just the point. The entire history of humanity indicates "nice" will never, ever, never happen. It is an unfortunate truth. Attempts at FORCING everyone to be nice, whether by a church or government, cannot and will not succeed. Laws against terrible behavior are fine by me. Attempts at making a "perfect" society are silly, and usually cause a lot more harm than good. Less is almost always more. The ONLY thing I can control on this whole planet is myself. And I fail all the time. But I succeed a lot too. Internal locus of control is the way to go. External matters, but it is vast and I am one of gazillions. Savvy?

    Intentional cohousing communities is not a term I am familiar with. Gonna check it out before responding further in this thread.
  5. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    nightmarik is like chickenpox's other half. I also assumed english wasn't his first language.

    While chickenpox is less coherent and types mostly unintentional word-salad style riddles, nightmarik makes up for it by typing sheer cliff-walls of streams-of-consciousness, peppered with nonstop, unpredictable conjunctions which are, of course, never properly delineated with commas - achieving maximum mental-strain for anyone masochistic and determined enough to read his lengthy manifestos (I've never made it beyond the first 1 or 2 sentences, personally).

    Seeing people "like" nightmarik's posts always surprises me and I think "huh. can't believe someone actually read all that...much less liked it."
  6. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    The words i misspell are usually typo's i dont care to correct or slang. I dont write in the best fashion because this is the internet. Im not applying for a job, this isn't a business related post, there is nothing about a forum post that requires my full attention or formality in writing. Even still i use better writing than i would around my friends or even to how i speak. I feel that "formality" and what is socially accepted as being proper is largely out of people desiring superiority and status. They feel that their way is better because it separates them from those they find inferior. So i tend to speak with disregard to the norms and what is expected despite my high SAT scores, great grades in English throughout highschool, and being requested to switch my major to English twice by teachers who were impressed by my writing. Formatting and word selection for the sake of clarity im fine with. Doing it to feel some air of pride or superiority by making your words all fancy i find silly and i get bored with it. I appreciate my slang, ebonics, and colloquialisms. Language is beautiful and eclectic, f*ck your standards. ;)

    And im not a mad person lol. I think my posts are often a wide array. The ones you have been subject to or care to remember may have been, and id admit to be quite passionate on the forums. So my debates and analytical replies are could easily be seen as "negative" tone i suppose.
    DarkJello and StupidJerk like this.
  7. newsbuff

    newsbuff Forum Royalty

    Suddenly, commas.

    He can be taught.

    The boy has potential. don't give up on him yet!!!
  8. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    NiGhtMaRiK is an Original G. Crazy? For sure. Aint no thang.
  9. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - This is all in line with the lame internet bullshit semantic debates. You have the right to be a jerk, I have the right to be a jerk... No one has to like it. I don't think people are debating being a jerk or not...they are talking about racist bigotry typically. There is a lot of real estate between a carebear penguin club member and a bigoted racist, so if your just so ******* competitive feelstrong then I dont care...if your being a racist bigot it should be monitored. If you don't think racism can be policed then you live on the wrong planet.
  10. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    a few points then-

    on "formality", sure some people will get caught up in their own little circlejerking cult. that's what happens with most things. the thing to remember though is that the language still has set rules, and by and large they weren't established to be confusing. they were established to communicate. that's what languages exist for. when you break those rules, it tends to make it more difficult to understand what you're saying. regardless of how smart you've been told you are.

    on "negativity", this is all text-based. when most of what i see is a bunch of text-walls that are letting loose cascades of emotion, and when i can't glean much of anything (due to the aforementioned textwalls- no one wants to read that) of the personality behind it aside from "I FEEL STRONGLY", then yeah. misunderstandings happen swiftly, and build upon themselves.

    putting those two together, it boils down to this- when you write, you're writing to someone(s). if they don't understand what you mean, what the hell was the point of writing what you wrote? i'm not the most formal dude around, but when i type up posts on these forums that i want to be taken more seriously i tend to slip into writing so that it's easier for more of the audience to capture my meaning.

    in general for you though, just try some spacing. like damn, son
  11. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    It's amazing that the 1000th "i take offense on the internet" post actually blew up.

    Interesting reads here and there, mostly recycled stuff from what I can tell.
  12. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Anything CAN be policed. Tyrants have dominated the entire history of humanity. Most countries are essentially lead by tyrants right this second. DoGz is NOT gonna try to Nanny Bloomberg the forums or game. Good. They should focus on winning over attempting to create a feelings utopia. I realize selling mirages is what all the cool kids do these days. But nothing good will come of it. Reality could care less. Evolution is a harsh mistress. She is apparently on a quick vakay right now, but her return will be noticed by every human on the planet. Fact. Period.

    I have really enjoyed this era, and will continue to do so until balance returns. Peace out.

    Are you a paladin of defending the feelings of anyone anywhere at anytime or not? Don't you care about the children? ;)
    StupidJerk likes this.
  13. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Hello.....two words. Shock collars. I get to hold the remote though. You can pretend I am an angel or an elected official if it makes you feel better when I press the button. Common sense and research have shown that communities police themselves by creating acceptable standards and enforcing them with mostly verbal and social consequences (although I am a big fan of woodsheds). When the community doesn't or can't hold each other accountable, all of the rules and policies in the world won't save you.
    DarkJello likes this.
  14. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - This is all cool-on the fringe-enlightened "F the man" diatribe ... but its a bit dramatic and irrelevant in most cases, Tho I dig the fortune cookie ending. No one is taking away your super hipster philosophy, just don't call black people the n-word or girls the C-word... Free speech is all fun and games until someone gets hurt....I hate all your parents.
    Dagda likes this.
  15. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Long story short, everyone turns 25 sooner or later.

    The hyperbolest.
  16. enkiadu

    enkiadu New Member

    I quoted a part of what you said, NM, just to say I very much agree with it - "like" is too weak :)

    But what really is interesting to me is how it's totally fine to kill, burn, poison, maim, freeze, bleed, disease or otherwise molest others to death and beyond, but the words - OH NOES! THE WORDS! - are the trouble.
  17. Glad0

    Glad0 I need me some PIE!

    Firk this thread, it's not important , get it off the first page.
  18. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    StupidJerk likes this.
  19. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Do you have -any- concept of reality at all?
    Also this thread has run it's course, best to just let it die. We had a good discussion and I got the response I wanted (green stance) but it's over now.
  20. enkiadu

    enkiadu New Member

    From someone who is concerned with etiquette enough to make a thread about it, I would really not expect something this offensive. You should really re-read what you're posting.

    As for what I tried to say - this is a game in which is everyone's goal is to do as many bad things to his opponent as possible, and as quickly as possible. However, no one seems to think about it for a second, when considers it's impact on children etc., only on peripheral stuff that can easily be avoided.

    Not that I find the game character wrong or having bad influence or anything, it's just the one-sidedness i find interesting.

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