Desert Owl Please THINK! ST focus

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Roger Road, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. Roger Road

    Roger Road Member

    So i sit here today awestruck at the thoughts, and ideas you guys have put into the game. One word describes your team's incompetence. Rush. You guys Rushed it.

    You guys rushed it. This thread will mainly talk about the ST faction. OK; nokhan do is a no no. Nokhan do will allow any attack to miss for 2 ap. It's like one guy said ''let's do this'', and no one argued. I feel like you all didn't sit down and discuss all the possibilities nokhan do could have.

    For one if you have a champ with nokhan do it's considered a tank because tanks can just sit there all day taking little damage. In this case you have a champion in a font taking no damage. Have you also considered how artic may affect nokhan do at all; swap? That 1 ap just became a huge problem when nokhan do arrived.

    I suggest you increase nokahn do to 4 ap per attack. I mean what was the problem with dodge 1 and block 1? Oh i'll answer that for you. None.

    Mythical should be back. Don't know who was the mind behind removing mythical, but i suggest you rethink that mind. Why would anyone allow x2 coraghs? It doesn't make sense that some of this champions aren't heros. I mean you can have x2 lonx hurlers, and no one would say say oh that guy has x2 lonx hurlers that's so dumb they have the same name. Let's say we have x2 coraghs here are the thoughts... Wow i didn't know someone with the same name, and ablities could exist in this world.

    That's like having a copy of yourself in the world. It makes no sense. Unique needs to be back. I'm not saying copies don't make sense. I mean if you have a champion that can copy an opposing champion that would make sense. Like clay form; I have no problem with that that's ok. I never did understand ''mythical'' actually. I mean just because a champ like clay form copies it that champion dies. What?

    There is also an ST spell that gives majestic 1, and something else for 6 turns. When you kill the ST champ with majestic, the ST user is refunded the nora he used to cast it. That spell is op on so many scales... It should be 3 turns, and no refund.

    So... I want unique back. Nokhan do balanced A spell balanced, and of course that's not the most op spell. There are more op runes, but i'm not going to get to all of those in one post. I also have more posts about different factions. Actually i think. Unique is very important. Some runes you really need to only be able to cast once. Thank you for the read, and have a great day.
  2. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    I can feel the vitriol through your neutral words... but I do agree with you. Unique not existing is just stupid, and nokhan do is almost as dumb.

    On the spell however I disagree slightly. I like the idea of spells that buff champions and get refunded upon death... in the sense that they can help players who are behind, but I do not particularly like them being used to push an advantage. Perhaps there could be a condition that the refund only triggers if the player has less champions on the map?
  3. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    firstly no one will run 2 coragh he quite expensive to run 2
  4. Krakuar198

    Krakuar198 Well-Known Member

    While I get what you are saying, Nokhan Do is not OP or tanky. In order to move and attack or do anything you have to use AP. I run a BG with all Nokhan Do units and I got creamed by a person who knew what he was doing.

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