Returning player, may I get some advice, please?

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Gilthul, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. Gilthul

    Gilthul The King of Potatoes

    Old returning player here. Iirc, I left during Crusade of the Vashal due to losing interest in the game and not being able to focus on one faction. Anyway, started playing one day randomly, discovered I had 30k something gold, picked up an extended set box and started trading and managed to get some stuff

    Anyway, here it is. Never was decent at PVP and I mainly farm campaigns and dailies. Was thinking of doing an Elf deck with emphasis on mass buffing, archer support and some tanky units to take the brunt. Spells are mostly placeholder because poxbox is out of stock on most of our useful stuff.

    Speaking of which, I might be able to grab some 200k more points to spend on PB, was thinking of getting a combination of: Experimental Warspirit, a Bowmage, Sarnghavian Centaur, Arrowsinger, Centaur Savage. What do you guys suggest I take out and put in its place? I like the new units a lot, but don't want to play Treefolk due to looks and being OP.

    Cheers and thanks in advance
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
  2. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Welcome back! I will try and help as much as I can. Although, I don't really like to comment on peoples decks due to the fact that every rune will be different to every player. Meaning some runes people use can be good for them but maybe not good for another person, basically I think it's kind of personal choice/style. But what I can tell you is that there are things called Nora Shards now (see Rune Forge on website). Its very simple to understand; you 'forge' runes you own into Nora Shards and with those Nora Shards you can 'buy' other runes. You can only acquire runes that are Exotic and lower, and they can't be from the most recent expansion. Everything else you can get that way. So if you need spells or something, you can get them that way.
    Gilthul likes this.
  3. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    First and foremost. Welcome back man. The KF Community here will welcome any new member to the family.

    Second if you are looking to only play campaigns and dailies I think your BG is very good for those purposes. Your BG, IMO, is still competitive in PVP though. With some minor changes I think your BG will be even more competitive. Regarding your spells, those are very useful and viable spells in the meta so don't concern yourself about that. Thorn Collections and Stellar Horizon should be some spells you should try to obtain.

    My proposed changes to your BG would be to remove Circle Messenger for a Elven Strategist. You may even want to consider running x2 of Elven Strategist. He is a powerturn enabler and he has battler master 3. Surge Enemy makes his damage pretty good. Utilizing relocate ally efficiently is like giving 7 ap to one of your champs.(I hope that made sense lol). Also remove Elven Trade Post and add either a Vortex or Another Natures Wrath.

    EDIT: I did notice you are lacking some Magic Alt damage. Your only Magic dealing champion is your most expensive one (Menalaus). Enforcer has some time of Magic damage but not very reliable. I would try to fit in another champion with attack Magic. Good options would be Elven Mage, Angel of Restoration, Elven Illusionist, Spirit Singer, and many other options. Elven Mage Would be my pick. Hits like a truck.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2014
    Gilthul likes this.
  4. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    nora sharding is nice but in most cases you get more for your value by putting the runes in poxbox so around a 150 poxbox creds threshold is when you should strictly trade the rune in but since lots of important runes are out of stock sharding is a personal decision depending on if u want to wait to get more for your runes or not
  5. Gilthul

    Gilthul The King of Potatoes

    I agree, can't say I like the shards mechanic very much. It seems extremely expensive for what it does i.e. you need to destroy way too many cards to make another useful one. I probably won't be using it unless I really need to.

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