Looking for Superchamp BG ideas, and "Passive" defense oriented BG's.

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by Tyrant Queen, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Tyrant Queen

    Tyrant Queen New Member

    I'm terrible at creating decks, even though I know what I like. I know they aren't the best but I've always loved superchamps. The idea of taking a single champion and buffing them to the point of being completely unstoppable. Before my last Hiatus I was running a FW/IS one focused on Magnus the Fallen and spare parts (back when it wasnt limited to constructs). I've been away so long I don't even know where to begin now.
    While neither is 100% necessary I prefer half of the split be FW and the superchamp to be an attractive male. Though the term attractive is rather lenient. Anything from a centaur savage to an obsidian venger works.

    The other BY type I'm looking for is something that doesn't die easily and wins without really attacking. It could use truce, pingers, global damage, invulnerability, relics, short lived. Even some bizzare form of death benefits that spawns a massive amount of meat and doesn't care if it actually attacks could qualify. Nora gen could also be a subtheme. I really don't know where to begin. The reason I ask for something that doesn't die easily is, having played passive bg's before, they tend to lack focused damage so they fall appart if they can't stay around.

    Again it's not necessary but if possible id like half the split to be FW.
  2. waylandwalker

    waylandwalker The King of Potatoes


    That's one I've been using that can fulfill both roles at the same time. Lots of buffs for champs (horrific mutation, zealotry, havoc's touch, taint, mimic, some equips, but beware that mimic has serious bugs right now, and probably isn't worth using as a result; it's leftover from pre-revamp) as well as two doctors and a draksar morph for mutations, and pick whichever champ looks like it will be most effective in your matchup. It's also got passive damage in the form of aspect of chaos, peaks doombringers, and voil king ruubgaal. (I don't own a second aspect of chaos or I'd use it, too) You've got clay forms that you can use to adapt to what you're facing, as well, but just keep in mind you can't copy 2x2s with it, so no AoC copies. (but you can do the doombringers, and clay form works on enemy champs, unlike some other copy effects such as grimlic's mirror that are friendly only) Two vertical pushes and whispers of the mind to help clear the way for your superchamps before they become super. The single processing collar is normally used on aspect of violence, and then you use his furious attacks to give a ton of charges to nearby AoC/doomies. (my best play with that was in a campaign, where I used AoV with processing collar, attacked something like 11 times, and then used transfusion to get 14 ap off of the boss champ, resulting in 25 attacks with a zealotried havoc's touched very angry aspect of violence :p) I use two zealotries rather than one like all the other buffs because zealotry works so well on both aspects of violence and peaks doombringers (the doomie gets to use the bonus on its storm damage. This used to work on AoC as well, until it lost chain lightning, but now AoC has no way to proc bounty hunter)
  3. Tyrant Queen

    Tyrant Queen New Member

    ZOMG I love you. That looks brutal. A shame doombringers are near impossible to get. I love that you found a good target for the clay form.

    Mimic seems almost like what I used to use spare parts for. I remember having Magnus the Fallen running around with multi attack 3 and leech vitality.

    I don't have any AOV's at the moment but unlike doombringers I can actually get those.
  4. waylandwalker

    waylandwalker The King of Potatoes

    Yeah, I got the doombringers from poxportal before they were buffed, so they went pretty cheap. I remember my guildies laughed at me for getting them at the time :p If you can get two aspects of chaos, that would help replace at least one doomie, but you can't clay form those, unfortunately.

    I've got a lot of other superchamp decks, as they're one of my favourite strategies, but the rest of them are pretty straightforward, and don't include passive damage the way the one I posted does.
  5. Tyrant Queen

    Tyrant Queen New Member

    I already have 2 aspects of Chaos. Before I left last time I was slowly trying to get 2 of every aspect. Well since I dont know where to start on most superchamp BG's id appreciate you sharing some of your more straightforward ones.
  6. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Before the revamp hit, a popular/well known superchamp bg was KF/SL, with the main superchamp material being Aspect of War. That might be worth a look, he still seems good and he's at a nice price imo.
    What I've seen in those bgs and I remember were Garu Den Mothers, Life Shield and Ferocity of Kain Taris (GREAT for these bgs), Mimic (pre-change), ~healing~. Unfortunately I can't recall more, but you basically put in a few Superchamp candidates (main one being AoW), a few super efficient stuff like Garu Den Mother/Colossal Boa who will give you time to build up and make the opponent make lots of attacks (to fuel AoW), and then add anti spell, Ferocity and other build up runes. The anti-spell is very important for avoiding spot removal. Blink, Vertical Push, Doom (and to some extent Domination) are your worst enemies. Cancel Magic is a great spell. Conclave Warden has Book Burn too.
    Oh, The Doctor is already an auto-include in most/all SL decks, but because of Mutate he's a must have in this bg. Consider Adaptive: KF/ Adaptive: SL or Favor champions if you'll be casting lots of spells, esp since that is good for superchamping too.
    Also, Grimlic's Mirror may be worth consideration. If you clone AoW, you'll have 2 units gathering charges from enemy attacks, at the same time.
    That's all I got atm.
  7. waylandwalker

    waylandwalker The King of Potatoes

    http://poxbase.com/deck/c7WCtyciQC4PC2BCt4cy CdfCtoCddc7Ys4ysks6_S3yS2ts59s5we28E21

    That's my KF/SP beasts deck. It's still a work in progress, but it's what I've been using a lot lately. (I still need to level up a few of the champs) In particular, I am thinking of removing at least one cavalier, the staff of ascendance (it's too slow, and AA/progenitor can't even use it) and possibly the grimlic's mirror, since I rarely find myself using it. I don't seem to use the rangers much either, even though they're quite efficient, but that's probably just my poor playstyle. I used to auto 1x treefolk's blessing in every KF deck ever (and 2 in treefolk) but now that it has a 6 turn duration it's garbage, at least in a slower deck like this. (personally, I would have removed the stackable +3 def on treefolk and called it a day if I were DoG, but that's for another thread)

    Basically, the idea is magnify beast everything good since you have 2x, and walk around with 100hp boas armed with tempest crown and stuff. Spirit of the Mountain would also make sense as the split hero, but I'd rather have an 8 spd thirst for battle surge beast champ I can put magnify on than a boring but effective font contender, plus I have boost beast on several champs already. (druids, queen)

    In the rather likely event you don't have access to fan faire, don't worry about it; I don't actually play it that often, because when you play this deck, usually there's one superchamp in the middle of a small army, and so there's not much around to give ally KF to. Vashal Vicar might be a good choice to use in the deck as well, but I don't own any; feel free to give it a try if you do. I have access to nearly all the other beasts in KF/SP, though, and have at least considered them. I had condor fury in here initially, but I found it just wasn't doing as well as the champs I did include, but you might find differently. (It makes a good colossal counter in many KF decks, for instance but I already have tons of 2x2 champs so I didn't need it for that; it's also the reason grimlic's mirror is being used over clay form)
  8. EmperorSauron

    EmperorSauron I need me some PIE!

    Not sure if it still works after the revamp, but i remember people playing a Mosharn+Providence+Last Stand bg with a bunch of other IS spells.
  9. Tyrant Queen

    Tyrant Queen New Member

    Well something along those lines might work. I really thank you all for the assistance in telling me about them. I'd appreciate you showing me full BG since fillers matter, they have syngery with the ideas and Im terribl at spotting what fills in those little extra niches.

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