Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. mw24
    are the devs really this bad at building champs? Something needs to be done about this, this is unacceptable.
    Mar 27, 2016
  2. mw24
    static greeting was also removed from the champ for some strange reason. This really is getting out of hand, way too many glitches and design mistakes being made. Somebody up top needs to do something.
    Mar 27, 2016
  3. Sokolov
    Not every rune with name X or Y has to all fit into the same theme. Races are just races and not every single rune with a particular race needs to be able to be ran together. Spark Crone works fine in Electricity BGs.
    Mar 27, 2016
  4. mw24
    is there a reason why spark crone lost static greeting and doesnt have shock base?!? his build makes absolutely no sense.
    Mar 27, 2016
  5. mw24
    we're talking about how he plays in kanen, not electricity(hes a core rune in that theme, also electricity still has major holes)
    you have to chose between being able to synergize with kanen or being able to utilize his spark curse ability, thats ridiculous.
    Mar 27, 2016
  6. mw24
    empowered abilities in general are mediocre but empowered ranged especially sucks. hed be much better off with just 3-5,4-5,4-6,or 5-6 range. 3 attacks then going to a pitiful 2-4 range is just silly.
    Mar 27, 2016