Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. Ballballer
    Nah im bm now its cool
    Apr 12, 2016
  2. mw24
    yeah, until zeya gets battlemaster league and doesnt que another game for the rest of the expansion.
    Apr 12, 2016
  3. mw24
    itd be nice if they assigned icons by exp/rank again instead of by these stupid tiers.
    Apr 12, 2016
  4. MikeLin
    Rank symbol is now a grind. However elo system hasnt changed by much except no reset.
    Apr 12, 2016
  5. Cydna
    Just farm Zeya, he can't dodge forever
    Apr 12, 2016
  6. mw24
    no, its changed alot. you get 5 minimum exp from games regardless of who your playing. there is a reason zeya is at 2200 exp. rank is just a farming contest now, whoever farms the most noobs wins.
    Apr 12, 2016
  7. Burcho
    the 5xp minimum came because top ranked players complained about the risk of losing 20-30xp from a game and only being able to win 1-2xp from the same game. It worked for a whole expansion, why is it an issue now?
    Apr 12, 2016
  8. mw24
    you are mistaking, its been a problem since the last expansion was released, it just wasnt changed. ranked games between players with huge rating differences shouldnt affect rating at all for the higher rank player, there was an issue with the old system but instead of fixing the problem he just made it worse.
    Apr 13, 2016
  9. Cydna
    The way the system worked before was worse.
    Apr 13, 2016
  10. mw24
    really the main problem with the new rank system is the minimum exp gain, if that was resolved it would be fine.
    Apr 13, 2016