Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. GemmaXylia
    Jungle is easiest role to carry from, mid/adc/top are similar, harder to carry as supp
    Apr 14, 2016
  2. poinl
    Depends on the adc you are playing, the support with you and the matchup. You can stall out late with kog, gank with twitch, dominate lane with draven, etc. What adc's were you playing? Most can carry as long as the support doesn't feed the lane. I'd say it's difficult but not inefficient. A good adc can give the rest of the team purpose. I'd suggest a duo queue if supports are giving you problems.
    Apr 14, 2016
  3. mw24
    league solo que without a fully built team is a nightmare.
    Apr 14, 2016
  4. flador
    In solo queue I find the best way to perform well is to communicate with your team in champ select. Make sure you have a balanced comp and are able to cope with the champs on the enemy team and things will work a lot better. Now if your team doesn't want to do that, play tank ekko or whatever the current elo-vater build is until you get to an MMR bracket that will.
    Apr 14, 2016
  5. flador
    If you want to carry as ADC go Graves, because he's still super strong, or Quinn mid, because her roaming power lets you carry all 3 lanes like a jungler can. Both of those champs play more like burst assassins though, so make sure you have the right build to be fully effective
    Apr 14, 2016
  6. poinl
    Practice CS, It's the easiest way to carry. Most people miss the majority of CS in the first 5 minutes. Go in customs and aim for 30 cs by 5 minutes. You will out scale your opponent and it will snowball from there.
    Apr 15, 2016
  7. poinl
    Carrying your team goes farther than performing well though, you are going to have to lead them. Babysit them tactically, but don't tell them how to play the game, teenagers hate that.
    Apr 15, 2016
  8. Heart
    >Team Game
    Apr 15, 2016
  9. Heart
    In any moba game. The amount of enjoyment you get out of it is primarily in the hands of the people you are playing with.
    Apr 15, 2016