Comments on Profile Post by mw24

  1. mw24
    players who have proven they know the games pvp well... everyone contributing to changes usually leads to things going in circles or getting worse.
    Sep 10, 2016
  2. Sokolov
    Thanks for pointing this out. This is because some champions were created "sharing" upgrade lines - so when you change one other champions change unknowingly. Fixed for next patch.
    Sep 10, 2016
  3. mw24
    pls remove or alter the refunds on rebound and banish. they are give back way too much nora and are making the runes unusable.
    Sep 10, 2016
  4. Sokolov
    I will consider it.
    Sep 10, 2016
  5. mw24
    every champ with spark curse should at least have static greeting or shock, its currently on 2 champs who dont even have access to shock on champs within there themes. (arroyo storm orb and shock crone) they are paying for the shock curse ability while gaining no benefit from it.
    Sep 10, 2016
  6. mw24
    spark crone has to take surge kanen in theme, taking shock on the upgrade is not optional unless you want a very weak rune. shock should be base. on both the orb and crone.
    Sep 10, 2016
  7. Sokolov
    Spark Curse isn't useless if the unit doesn't have Shocked - runes don't have to be 100% internally synergistic and able to trigger all their own abilities to be viable.
    Sep 10, 2016
  8. Sokolov
    They gain benefit from Spark Curse if you build a deck to take advantage of it.
    Sep 10, 2016
  9. mw24
    yeah except kanen and arroyo dont even have 1 champion with shock... the ability shouldnt be on these units without them having shock themself or it being common in their themes.(it doesnt exist in their themes...) they pay for the ability and dont benefit from it.
    Sep 10, 2016
  10. Sokolov
    Just because they have Race: X doesn't mean the only deck they fit is that deck. For example, the kit of Spark Crone fits fine in an Electricity deck.
    Sep 10, 2016
  11. mw24
    there is no way to build your deck around the ability in kanen or arroyo and even if that was possible thats not how deck building works.(at least if you plan on winning.)
    Sep 10, 2016
  12. Sokolov
    Just because they have Race: X doesn't mean the only deck they fit is that deck. For example, the kit of Spark Crone fits fine in an Electricity deck.
    Sep 10, 2016
  13. Sokolov
    You opt into Spark Curse on Storm Orb if you want to build around it. You don't have to pay for it if you don't want to. I will consider swapping Jolt and Spark Curse on the Crone, but note that Surge: Kanen is probably going away on her (along with most ranged Surge champions).
    Sep 10, 2016
  14. mw24
    it doesnt make sense that you have to pay a penalty when you run spark crone in kanens because of a deck it could potentially be run in.(especially when lightning isnt even a competitive or in my opinion "complete" theme) and the arroyo isnt ever going to be run in a lightning/shock theme.(lightning is sp)
    Sep 10, 2016
  15. mw24
    nerfing kanen is fine as long as the top tier themes get brought down to the level of the mid tier ones.(voils, dragons, etc)
    Sep 10, 2016
  16. Sokolov
    I am not nerfing Kanen. I am nerfing ranged Surge.
    Sep 10, 2016
  17. Sokolov
    If it's bad to run in Kanen. Don't run it in Kanen. It shouldn't matter whether it has Race: Kanen or not. Stop trying to make whatever rune you want to use fit the deck you want to run it in with design changes. Build your deck with the available choices.
    Sep 10, 2016
  18. mw24
    ranged units are core to nearly every theme in the game, its not optional to not run it in kanen. at least if you if plan any beating any decent opponents. there is no other ranged unit to subsitute in for spark crone in the kanen theme.(you need about 5-6 ranged champions in almost every deck including kanens in order to be competitive)
    Sep 10, 2016
  19. Sokolov
    In any case, as i said, I will consider swapping Spark Curse off base on the Crone, but I am not putting every Spark Curse unit with something on base to cause Shocked.
    Sep 10, 2016
  20. Pattn199
    Or, devs could learn to play there own game. Sure would save allot of time fixing Bane Shift you just created
    Sep 10, 2016
  21. Sokolov
    You are right, I have no idea how to play.
    Sep 10, 2016