Comments on Profile Post by MaruXV

  1. nepyonisdead
    here is a tip : before the game starts take 5 seconds to explain to them how dumb it is that they named a game they spend 90% of (touching a ball with their hands)
    Jul 15, 2017
  2. MaruXV
    will do. wish me luck, the chances of getting injured are high...
    Jul 15, 2017
  3. nepyonisdead
    just make sure its not you who gets injured :) tip number 2
    Jul 15, 2017
  4. Markoth
    @nepyonisdead The americans at least have the sense to spell foot correctly. Everyone else calls soccer futbol.
    Jul 15, 2017
  5. Markoth
    Its also worth noting that the game begins with a 'kickoff'
    Jul 15, 2017
  6. nepyonisdead
    so does real football :) and guess what... if you touch the ball with ur hand thats not ok, unless u are maradona playing a world cup final and want to win so badly you actually cheat :P otherwise its mostly not ok
    Jul 15, 2017
  7. Markoth
    I played Soccer for 17 years ;) Just messing with you. Maradona can do no wrong btw.
    Jul 15, 2017
  8. potatonuts
    Did you just insinuate that the hand of god was a legit goal? Firking heresy!
    Jul 15, 2017
  9. Markoth
    Im an Argentina fan. I am biased.
    Jul 15, 2017
  10. MaruXV
    we played in a hidden place on dolomites between italy and austria...the best part was the party at the end of the tournament, with 1lt beer glasses and a jodel-rock sudtirol band ^_^
    Jul 15, 2017