Comments on Profile Post by nepyonisdead

  1. MaruXV
    im half with you half against. From one side, removing FQ is good so everybody has to take responsibility of what they play. On the other side,there is small custom play so a FQ feature might help people try some bgs without having to wait for days. Also experienced players giving FQ to new guys was a good thing for the game.
    Nov 24, 2017
  2. potatonuts
    This one time i got matched and then suddenly needed to poop, bring back fq plz.
    Nov 24, 2017
  3. Bondman007
    Now instead of FQ request they just DC and leave ya hanging for 4 minutes...bring back FQ
    Nov 24, 2017
  4. nepyonisdead
    yeah but at least people will actually try and improve by facing people like tiny and co. The fact that you qued should mean that you indirectly declared you are ready to face any bg on any map vs any player.
    Nov 24, 2017
  5. potatonuts
    Oh and FW mirrors suck, nobody wants that.
    Nov 24, 2017