A gift for you on day of New Ownership! Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Senshu, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    They are giving us free runes and everyones complaining heh
    Zadfrack, xRugolth and Shimaru like this.
  2. xRugolth

    xRugolth The King of Potatoes

    That's what im saying
  3. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    Complaining for legitimate reasons. Note that the rune has been changed.

    Assuming that people don't appreciate something just because they also think it is imbalanced is a bit odd don't you think?

    Or is this more about feeling morally superior in some weird way?
  4. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    Again to reiterate what many others have already stated: Mechanically unique LEs should either have an alternate version available to the masses one way or another, or they should be priced out of any competitive play (nora-wise).

    I'm not quite happy with the owl's face in the art. I'm not sure exactly why though, it just feels "flat" (in the artistic sense of the word). Might be the eyes aren't angry enough for an owl that has had just about enough of these here super champs. I dunno.

    The sprite looks awesome.

    Good to see it going down to SPD 6. Pending the nora cost, the upgrade should probably be changed to DEF 1 as well. Hard to really judge the thing overall without knowing the nora value, and how many "starting abilities" will generally remain (as well as whether or not "Attack: [Damage Type]" will be included, etc.; though default wording says yes, which bothers me). Renovate though... the fact it'll generally do an additional 30-50% against most champions currently makes it seem too strong of an ability, particularly since Beasts are one of the easiest races to buff across multiple factions to say nothing of spells like Infuse, and compounding it with Zealotry or whatever.

    If it remains a concern, it should likely be changed to "+1 DMG for each 'starting ability'" rather than +10%, and any remaining balance quirks from there.
  5. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    I am just ready to try out this champ. I am mostly curious of which of the 8 factions will we get of this rune? Random? or will it be based on what faction your profile shows as your main played? or...

    Note: It kinda reminds me of the Harby...
  6. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    This is a free commemorative rune, absolutely the speed needed to be dropped, but really that is it. Everyone is bustling about making tonnes of changes to make this thing super meta, when in reality it is just a free rune to mark the take over from SOE. Appreciate it for what it is, and not for what you would like it to be.
    xRugolth and AKHolic like this.
  7. Kharon

    Kharon Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I love this rune in all honestly. I'm going to be "that guy" here and say I have no problem with it. Fast yes, but it's a free rune and anyone can use it. It isn't like DOGz is limiting it to only one faction like other runes. Be happy guys! It's a free rune from our new owners, it is a gift. Celebrate!
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  8. hsssh

    hsssh The King of Potatoes

    At first I was baffled at 9 speed flier, glad that it was reduced. But I'm still a bit baffled that we start this new era with exclusive cards when card availability has been noted many times as the problem of Pox.

    And I'm sad on the design. Its very bland yet complex rune. Bland because you can't really do anything with it aside of flying around and shooting things. Complex because:

    1. There already was confusion about what exactly is starting abilities and base abilities. Every new player is 100% going to question it, and its probably going to happen in the middle of the game when he can't look at the forums. It is still not clear if something like attack physical will count for bonus damage?
    2. How players are supposed to know what is base ability and what is not? You mention Titan counting as 1 and not as 7, frankly I don't remember exactly what abilities Titan grants and I have played around quite a lot with them in the past, new player is going to be completely baffled while trying to figure out what gives bonus damage and what doesn't give. Not to mention that abilities can be gained during the game, if you don't know champs well its going to be nightmare to track down what is base and what isn't unless you introduce some indicator stating the origin of ability.
    3. Percentages. For many people its not as easy to do math with round percentages as with flat numbers, especially when attacking someone that will reduce damage by 30% while you have 50% damage increase.
    4. And its all going to matter because with some synergies and spells this little guy is going to hit like a truck.
  9. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    I asked for it to be a collectable and not overpowered.

    So you're saying people can only complain if you agree with the outcome?

    I am aware that's not what you are actually saying, but I don't see how else it can go. People will ask for multiple things, it is up to the devs to see what is reasonable in the given situation.

    Admonishing people for discussing a rune is very counter-productive. Even if you disagree with them. Give a counter argument to their idea if you wish to comment on it, don't just insult them. A counter argument is also more effective in convincing a developer the idea is flawed.

    And if you just want to insult them, maybe don't comment at all.
  10. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    So, just your average day on the Pox Nora forums.
    Axeraiser, Aleswick and xRugolth like this.
  11. xRugolth

    xRugolth The King of Potatoes

    No way they can make everyone happy jus some stuff ppl are gon have to jus live with
  12. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I have seen useful attitudes, but "it's free, don't complain" in a feedback thread must be one of the top ones
    xRugolth likes this.
  13. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    DoG noted (in this thread) that the nora cost would be 83 nora
  14. Dantezz

    Dantezz Member

    Love the collectable aspect. Also like the super champ counter. I have no doubt the DOGz will keep it balanced in the long run. I am so happy Pox has new owners, all the new changes will move us in the right direction.
    xRugolth likes this.

    KLERRIOT New Member

    Nice welcome back gift to honor the dedication of the remains few !

    Few in numbers, great in power, will keep Pox alive !
  16. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    I'm curious if this is going to be classified as a legendary or LE.

    I'm hoping its legendary as I don't want too many runes in the LE pool. *cough* harb *cough*

    Also if this is going to be an "all faction" rune I'm curious if maybe the harbingers will get the same treatment.
    They are all basically the exact same except for the flavor text where it references the specific "faction".
  17. Dresnar20365988

    Dresnar20365988 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Have you guys been around this game at all? We have been through this before. Harbies and Doombringers. Its wonderful if you are the person that got the rune. What about NEW PLAYERS that don't have access because they joined after the rune was discontinued? Pox as a game is awesome. It has such a low population because of runes like this. People perceive the game is pay to win because they cant get the runes they feel they need to be competitive.

    Those of us that are showing concern are simply doing it because we want the new developer to not make the same mistakes as those made in the past. We want to see the game attract the player base it should have and not continue to flounder because of poor decisions that keep new players away. Free runes are all fine and good. Its also good making those same free runes available to players that want to join the game at a later date and not feel unwelcome because they didn't join the game on 3/6/14.
  18. Poxbrothers

    Poxbrothers Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Well in my honest opinion there isn't a problem with Harbingers (as they are not top meta runes).
    Even Doombringers weren't too bad at the start, only after the buffs they became a huge problem instead of a (more) collectible fun rune.
    In short said, if the rune is not OP (which in my opinion so far our owl here is not, 6speed 83 nora, no defensive abilities, and can only POSSIBLY hit hard), I don't really see a problem with it.
    It makes the collecting aspect of the game fun too, if all runes are too easily achievable you will not feel like you have achieved something once you get them.
    Ofcourse if the power level were to be as high that it's top-meta viable, I'd propose a nerf too said LE rune or change it to LEG (perhaps even both).
    (Doombringers, Angels should be LEGs imo, while Harbingers and our little Owl look like cool LE runes, hence they are more runes that were made for special occasions and not meant to be meta viable runes, it's the same way that I really liked the Carrionlinger that they gave to everyone).


  19. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Possibly this is also a rune that could have an LE and Uncommon/Common edition.. I don't know why we're so up in arms when there is an obvious solution.
  20. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Anyways, they have said that they are planning on making LE's actually LE's and if you can buy LE runes with gold from packs, then they would be retitled as Legendaries. *Shrug* I'd imagine this would attribute to all in the future, so LE's would actually be, LE.

    Going from both this and of course this

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