Another Chance For Aspect of Life

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Xirone, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, I believe cheap passive champs that deal damage have been given basic attacks and DMG to up the cost. Champs like AoL, who cause no damage at all and already are too expensive, are probably safe.
  2. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    Thanks for the clarification fellas.

    Aspect of Life
    DMG: 0 | SPD: 5 | RNG: 1 | DEF: 0 | HP: 42
    Base Abilities- New Growth, Ethereal, Lay Hands 1, Trail: Vegetation
    Upgrade Path 1- Majestic 1, Majestic 2, Soothing Serenade
    Upgrade Path 2- Summon: Catharsis Bloom, Healing Breath 1, Augment Creation

    I took Xirones suggestion and twisted it a bit. . What are KFs thoughts on this?
  3. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    I think summoning Catharsis Blooms, which then propagate by themselves, is probably too much. The rest looks pretty good. I'd like New Growth as an upgrade, personally, and more healing on base.
  4. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Anyway, this is all pie in the sky theorizing unless one of the devs agree she should be changed. Let's take a look at the nerfs she has had since the mega-revamp....

    -Healing Breath was nerfed.
    -Charged Heal was nerfed.
    -Heal Champion was nerfed.
    -Incorporeal was nerfed.

    Did I miss any?
  5. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Honestly, Ironfist Paladin looks much better, by comparison, when the final price paid is taken into consideration. Ironfist Paladin has more HP, more DEF, can attack, has the same rank of Lay Hands, has Cleanse, and has Righteous Shield (a powerful protective ability). ironist comes in at 68 Nora. Ironfist Paladin never sees plays either, but looks better than Aspect of Life, IMO.
  6. Cinder405

    Cinder405 I need me some PIE!

    I refrained from putting New Growth on upgrades abilities that may steal abilities and stuff like that (Goblins come to mind).

    What if heal 1 was added to base? And remove Trail: Vegetation. Then put trail Vegetation in upgrade path 2 in replacement of Summon: Catharsis Bloom

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