Any ETA on midterm?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DiCEM0nEY, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    lol you just don't get the point of the comment.

    look if you want players to stop being negative you need to stop first and complaining about everything is being negative, you are right in saying i don't deserve your respect without earning it, but you do not deserve mine without earning it, and by sitting around complaining about everything instead of improving at the game is in no way earning it.

    negativity is contagious which is why I treat people like you without respect because you are spreading negativity on these forums, not to mention it's terribly repetitive when you hear the same bad arguments about different runes and game mechanics repackaged for a new week.

    everything you are saying is terribly hypocritical, i mean when this started I thought you were just another dicemonkey style player who is just blinded about anything outside his own deck but is over all a pretty good player who honestly has my respect in regards to fw, and if he makes a suggestion about an fw rune I will take it seriously even if I might think it's a bad idea, but now i think you are a completely different beast
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
  2. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Not complaining about everything, I simply complain about things I find broken, unfun, or things that could be misinterpreted.

    No you attack me because your unhappy, don't try to pawn it off as anything else.

    I don't know why everything always comes back to people's skill at the game. My skill at the game has nothing to do with anything, my skill at the game doesn't affect bugs, text description errors, gameplay mechanics, game lobbies etc.

    I've never been good at the game because I don't have the time to go through 1000 runes every other week and find what's broken, I never made alts until my win % is where I wanted it to be, I don't ever play competitive bgs, and when I do it's typically with runes I like versus runes that work.

    It doesn't do any good bashing people, and instead you should try and see from their perspective.
  3. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    If you believe I'm unhappy then you are avoiding your own issues I'm afraid and this is going no where so I'm done discussing this with you.
  4. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I'm not attacking people daily for having a different opinion, I only say something to people specifically when it becomes a recurring issue with said person.

    Again misery loves company, deflecting it onto me again is a common tactic among unhappy people, blame everyone else but yourself.

    Have a good day man, and if you need help anytime i'll help you.

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