Aquatic Decks

Discussion in 'Forglar Swamp' started by Zythraak, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    Hello, I've recently acquired a pair of The Thing and was thinking they seemed pretty cool. How competitive is a pure aquatic deck? If they're not too expensive I think I'll try to make one and test this guy out. :) Also, could someone post an aquatic deck or two so I could see them? The idea of running flood generators and turning the map into an ocean seems pretty cool. :D
  2. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    It would also make running the awesome pirahnids more viable, I hope?
  3. Alkioneus

    Alkioneus I need me some PIE!

    DIfficult to post deck for me right now, Aquatics became by far one of the largest themes with many viable options, though they seem to be rarely seen. Piranhids seem to be rather out of favour due to the revamp, however lots of aquatic stuff seems to be undercosted for what they can do(providing they have water). I'm not posting a deck, leave it to better players, though enumerating variants you can take a look at:

    Circadian Range Department: Enchantresses, Songmasters seem to be auto x 2 -> global heal+cleanse(for mirefolks) and High Tide. Circadian Arcanists provide semi-sunder and lots of alt damage, Chronologists provide everything(it's hardly possible to choose wrong upgrades for them, all of them seem to be viable depending of playstyle). Songmasters are costly however(in terms of Nora), Chronologists can be with certain upgrades.

    Ubercheap Aquatics: Mirevixens are 52-59 nora for 4-7 range, heal and invigorate. Do not be distracted by low damage(Mirefolk resurgence, aquatic bonus), they also can deal hit. Mirefolk Stalkers are stealthy assassins with dive, multi-attack for less than 60 nora. Razorfin Slider is 9 speed 15+ damage fish, that reaps apart(even with sunder is less than 60 nora). Providing they have water they reap apart.

    Tanks: Voodoo Shamfie, Marsh Gargantua, Elder Murkwurm provide water: trail, the first one is a mirefolk with detect and soul-siphon, second is our goodstuff playable titan, third(I didn't play it) is overgrown tapeworm with dive. All of them are costly, but that can be compensated by ubercheap aquatics. (Thing is another funny guy in this category)

    Grunts: Circadian Templar provides global +2 damage, semi-tanky, but doesn't seem to have a big influence on the battlefield, Caecelia is semi-tanky with constriction/enlightened base (abash and regeneration/empathy), difficult to one round due to heal.

    This is just a short review, you could build several BGs with different champ line-up.

    Spells: traditional water spell set with Slipwater/Undertow/Flood for AP gen/relocation shenanigans. I will also take a look at certain BGs and comments, Mirefolks shouldn't be a dead theme in the forum.
  4. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    Terrain Generators are really cool but unfortunately are generally considered too slow to be viable.
    You are usually better off with champs and spells that can grant the required terrain.
  5. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I do not agree with you .. but hey, everyone will see the best possible combination.

    I have in my Aquatic BG 2 Water Gen, and i win 4 or 5 games of 10 Vs RAnked people, no noobs.. ( and i always semi-drunk, and i a little noob ) :D
  6. mahesar

    mahesar The King of Potatoes

    The terrain generators are a good thing to have if you draw them early. You can use spot terrain generation when you have to have it right then, giving the generators time to reach the front lines.
    Tal3234 likes this.
  7. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    Awesome, thanks for the replies! I'll have to look at the runes a bit more and see if it's worth making a water deck. :)
  8. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    Would anyone be willing to post a sample deck for me to see?
  9. Tal3234

    Tal3234 Devotee of the Blood Owl

  10. Scrijordan

    Scrijordan I need me some PIE!

    can u show give a current aquatic bg
  11. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    It's not the slow build of the flood generator that irritates me. It is the unintended lag that destroys a game after 20 turns of water generation. It would be great if they found a way to eliminate the lag that is caused by terrain generators. I usually do not run them because I care about my opponents game experience to some extent. I want my opponent to be able to think clearly and not progress towards a raging disconnect because I decided to be an asshat and run a terrain generator that lags the crap out of the game. Please find a way to eliminate the lag caused by terrain generators. K bye.
  12. OchiK

    OchiK The King of Potatoes

    Wow @Scrijordan pulled this thing from its grave huh?
  13. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    Try flood. Great spell
  14. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Circadians bg are amazing, but relly too much in water gen, so you need to play slow and with caution, until you have enougth water to advance. And one more thing, The Thing is not that best at the moment, he is a bit overcosted for what it brings
    OchiK likes this.
  15. Scrijordan

    Scrijordan I need me some PIE!

    i am really looking for tactics and bg lists
  16. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    This is what I currently use:

    The Arcanist, Enchantress and Chronologist are the ranged ones, doing some magic dmg, and a little sup (Arcanist iwth acolyte is pretty amazing). The templar is a good grunt, and grant +2dmg global, can tank a little too. Fentek Servant with Defender 3, to make your front line hold the enemy until you have enought water to advance. The Piranhids are all your beaters, warrior can generate ap for your others champ, so remember to always attack with him when your others champ are close. I like to have x2 Piranhid cause he is cheap and strong, but remember that he have Skrimish, and can't attack shrines. The Stalker are your stealth option, since you are focusing in turn the entire map into water for your champs, he will always become invisible, and can assassinate often. Mirevixen are your sup, they are just amazing for this role, but can poke some champs at great range too. And for the last, the Vodoo Shamfie, I like to use Aquatic Talisman on him, since he will have 100MAX hp (if stay alive) can tank and kill pretty good, but remember that your enemy you try to focus him.
    Corrode for enemy equips, Soak the Earth for Relics (dont use Erode, cause StE has water gen, so it will help more in this bg), Flood and Moonsoon are amazing spells, they generate water, deal dmg, and one of them knockback your enemy (you can get kills in cliff with that), using moonsoon + flood, will ground all flying, and knockback then to a cliff, is pretty amazing. Undertow for enemy relocation, Drown for killing, and Slipwater to move in the water without spending ap, making your melee beaters to get close to the enemy.

    Well, I hope I helped, any question or suggestion, just ask ;)
    OchiK likes this.
  17. Poxlife

    Poxlife Member

    I know I'm no Fs expert but no tide master????? Rather have him then one of those water gens but besides that good bg
  18. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Ifem21 likes this.
  19. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Well, I have made this bg entire using only mirefolks, so I have not add the Tide Master... But if you want more meta, follow the @Covah bg, for FS meta, is almost like that

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