BG Size

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by IMAGIRL, Dec 14, 2015.


    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I believe it'd be increased in the future anyway. I mean what are we running right now 2.5-3k runes per faction? An only 30 are playable at any given time. What if we had 6k runes, 7k ? The original increase came as we had acess to more rune, but our bg's didn't. At what time would it be appropriate.
    Mixed emotions. I whole heatedly agree that "Deck building is an art-form." However, that art form has mandatory items that must be included in it's art. Necessities if you will. Dectection, Anti Relic/Equip ect... Bear in mind that I play themes. This thread isn't about me not being able to fit in a key unit, or mechanic. But about not being able to fit in an extra Kanen Animus, or Ritual Crone. As more and more runes get released, there's going to be more an mroe that just can't be fit in a bg. If not because of space, but because of mandatory mechanics that have to be ran. Even if this thread doesn't result in a bg size increase. At the very least it might have a serious discussion on the potential.
  2. Hiyashi

    Hiyashi I need me some PIE!

    I think it's more like 0.35k per faction right now. Maybe around 2.5k in total if you remove split faction and LE doubles from the count? In any case.. the selection really isn't as big as it seems once you have filtered out for theme/playability/current meta usefulness/whatever. Not saying that deck building is easy, I find it quite challenging. But I don't see the appeal of increasing the deck size by 2.
  3. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    of course deck building is an art form..but this only applies to pox because it has 30 cards allowed.? so yugi, magic, etc deck building is not an art because they use more then 30 cards?
    so at what number does it not become an art
    form? 31? 40? 80? just curious
  4. bambino

    bambino I need me some PIE!

    if the rules had been different. .in other words ,, we always had min 30 cards and max unlimited. and then one day sok says,,, from now on only 30 rune BG...I can only imagine the outcry,, and im quite sure all the people who are against an increase now,, would find wonderful reasons to keep it at unlimited, pretty sure they wouldnt being saying hey great idea!!!
    whatever people are use to is the way it should be... human nature...
    silly humans :)
  5. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    no new player needs or wants a larger bg limit. Old players need to quit asking 'what would be fun for me' and start asking 'what would be fun for new players'.

    It's even self serving, you just have to take a longer view. The more newbie friendly the game is the more newbs stick around and become vets. More vets = more players in ranked AND more players who will want your valuable runes.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    @Sokolov mind taking some time to dredge up the stats?

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