Birthday wishes to Ultim8death

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Monyx, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Monyx

    Monyx I need me some PIE!

    i saw on the birthday list its Ultim8deaths birthday so lets be a good community and wish a happy birthday!!!
  2. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    Happy Birthday Ultim8death. The leoss wish you a great day.
  3. Tarabostes

    Tarabostes I need me some PIE!

    Happy birthday to Ultim8death and to all his alts.
  4. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    One day closer to your death and the introduction into Zarimahl´s legion ;)

    Happy Birthday.
  5. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    to ultimeight!
  6. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    And then you're going to add him to your FW collection. Isn't that right?
  7. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    No comments!

  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

  9. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Is there cake?

    Happy b-day!
  10. Nexx

    Nexx I need me some PIE!

    Let's all get him to donate runes for his Birthday!
  11. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Happy Birthday even though its late :)! How do you check birthday listings out of curiosity that's cool!
  12. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    If you view the member list you are able to see the members that have a birthday on that day.
  13. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Thanks :D

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