Bring back taunt/naming tokens

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rokkushun, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. Rokkushun

    Rokkushun Devotee of the Blood Owl

  2. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    To be completely fair, I think the time for this passed for Pox.
    It had a great window of opportunity when it was still ran by SoE, with the boom on F2P games selling cosmetic stuff (see Dota, LoL, etc.).
    Now, though, the situation is this (rough numbers of course, and I will be generous here): 100 individuals playing this game. Out of those, there are probably 40 paying customers. Out of those, there will probably be 20 people buying cosmetic stuff.
    So yeah, I don't think this should be a priority, even though I also wish it had been done a while ago. On Pox 2.0, though, we could have this from the get go.
  3. Kaziken

    Kaziken I need me some PIE!

    I'm not sure why you're doomsaying this same message in every thread. Furthermore, I'm not sure why your signature states you 'don't care anymore', when you invest so much time into said doomsaying.
  4. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    I have some spare owl credits and if the naming was cheap enough I'd waste my leftovers on them. I'd probably do so each time I bought a box or megabox. I'd might let my Yeti Tracker shout "Pede where are thou". My Korona would be renamed for sure.
    Qucas likes this.
  5. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    I'm not doomsaying anything, I'm stating an opinion, based solely on facts that I perceive - the last few times I'd log in I'd always find the client with 30-80 players online at most, and ranked tab would contain what, 25 players? Has a lot to do with timezones and whatnot, but it's my perception.
    With that out of the way, I don't care about this game's balance anymore, you'd know if you paid attention instead of just bashing me for the pleasure of being a little ******. I love Pox and I will do whatever I can to help it grow, so I can get back to it.
    Either way, checking the forums every now and then during the day, and posting a message which hardly consumes 5min of time, is hardly "investing so much time" into anything, specially considering that I aint doomsaying anymore.
    I think you are basing your comment on my behavior a couple of months ago, but again you'd know if you actually read my messages instead of being, again, a little ******.
    Also, I find it funny that the people that "liked" your comment all have: quit the game at one point/hardly play it anymore. The irony.

    Key word here is "spare". But thanks for the mention, I'd play that Yeti too! ;)
  6. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    Ya taunts and names were fun.
    Qucas, Leadrz and BurnPyro like this.
  7. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    Renaming your named limiteds for shits an giggles.
  8. Burcho

    Burcho I need me some PIE!

    Sounds like an awful name.

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