Bugs found today

Discussion in 'New Pox Nora Client Beta Bugs' started by Durand, May 23, 2017.

  1. Durand

    Durand Active Member

    The new client has some good things, but also quite a lot which need to be fixed. Some of them are listed here:

    1. LEFT-CLICKING A RUNE IN RUNEDOCK (->displayed) (instead of needing to hold and drag it for the same effect)
    2. Water and other terrain shouldn't override highlighting when terrain is shown ('g' has been clicked twice) (also some terrain-spells) (see example in picture)
    3. Always clear previous targeting, when user clicks anything (except attack) (this fixes a lot)
    4. Reduce the zooming effect in large screen resolutions, so that we can see more of the playing area without scrolling. See what I mean in two pictures in another thread called "too much zoom"
    5. Screen resolution option doesn't persist
    6. When mousing over champs in runedock, the order of stats is confusing (Damage <-> Defense) (Note: these tooltips are great for spells, but useless for champs. Fix #1 instead as a priority) (see picture)
    7. When you search a spell/effect from the log, you cannot click it to see what it means (like you could before)
    8. When mousing over a condition, text that is supposed to be bold is instead invisible (in conditions inside abilities, see picture)
    9. Global amplify effects don't show properly (see picture)
    10. Victory screen. CP gains for champs are missing. Shows "ranked 1v1" even after solo games. (Says "Completed daily skirmish" even after a non-daily campaign. The reward rune could also be clickable).
    11. Chat. Combat log text is partly mixed with chat. Chat is cleared when entering lobby. Cannot chat in queue. (Bazaar is useless).
    12. Some visual spell effects are shown in wrong spots of the screen (when using 1920x1080, sometimes even offscreen)
    13. Runedock ordering doesn't work, but becomes random (lowest to highest cost would be best, like in the old client)
    14. When you look at details of a champ (in right-click view) during play, they all falsely show 0 damage (but strangely not when forging)
    15. Right-click window has a lot of room for details, but is near empty for spells and equipment. It only lists the names of the abilities, but not what they do. (Rare exceptions are abilities used by champs)
    16. Building decks is very hard in the client (low priority, because you can use the web page instead)
    17. Log/chat don't have even 1 pixel of margins, but text starts touching border
    18. All decks randomly disappear and the deckbuilder says "Dumballs the Third" (database glitch?). Then the game freezes and you have to manually end the process. It works fine when you restart the game. (See http://forums.poxnora.com/index.php?threads/doomballs-the-third.27130/ for screenshots) EDIT: Happened again 18.6.
    19. "Shrunken" description in game:
    "This unit has its DMG, DEF and SPD reduced by 50%"
    Actual condition and effect in game:
    "This unit has its DMG, DEF and SPD reduced by 3"
    20. 2x2 champs are mostly handled as 1x1, which causes many problems. One of them is that they can get stuck in inaccessible area of the map after a knockback, when one corner of them becomes overlapping inaccessible area.
    21. Anything killing the boss or avatar in opponent's turn causes a bug. It actually seems to be recognized as a win, but the game freezes without ever showing the reward screen.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
    horrible and Hierokliff like this.
  2. Hierokliff

    Hierokliff I need me some PIE!

    got that strange deckbuilder after playing a PvP game, really strange, had to crash the client after because everything did stop work.
  3. Durand

    Durand Active Member

    Here is one example of missing highlighting because of terrain. It's much worse in maps with lots of water, ice or lava. When you really need to see the terrain, but it can't override highlighting:

    Last edited: May 26, 2017
  4. Durand

    Durand Active Member

    I just found a new bug. Its cool :)
    Yohan likes this.
  5. Durand

    Durand Active Member

    6. When mousing over champs in runedock, the order of stats is confusing (Damage <-> Defense). (Note: these tooltips are great for spells, but useless for champs. Fix #1 instead as a priority):


    9. Global amplify effects don't show properly:

    Last edited: May 26, 2017
  6. Durand

    Durand Active Member

    8. When mousing over a condition, text that is supposed to be bold is instead invisible (in conditions inside abilities):

    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  7. Durand

    Durand Active Member

    Updated the list in the first message: Removed anything that seems to be fixed or is too minor to even mention. Changed the order to estimated priority order. (The list is not meant to include everything, but only those things that I noticed myself. The priority order is also just my estimate).

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