Could someone show me a Currentish Garu BG?

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by MrCharles, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. MrCharles

    MrCharles The King of Potatoes

    Just looking for some thoughts to help me while I work on my own. Usually I have at least an idea of what I want to accomplish when I get started but I haven't really tried to make a KF deck in a very long time.

    I have no idea how to build them as such but I'm guessing that Garu are more a mid-tempo BG?

    Spells over Equips? and a bit heavy on the Unit side?

    Whose supposed to be the MVP?
  2. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i run a very focused rush bg with most champs with reinforce and 2x kodiak with lead the charge, most of your champs come in with 7+ ap so you can sustain the rush. i would say spells over equips, cleanse and rush tools. Dugon and fiorn for sure, 2x hunter 2x kodiak 2x mountain, you dont actually need the healers.
  3. MrCharles

    MrCharles The King of Potatoes

    So.....Something like this?
  4. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    seems a pretty good base. i dont like very much the land imne and the nature balance relics. the rest seems solid.
  5. MrCharles

    MrCharles The King of Potatoes

    What would you replace them with? I've always loved land mine and nature's balance is just a middle finger to frost amp more than anything really. I've never actually played with it in a BG before.
  6. MrCharles

    MrCharles The King of Potatoes

    Swift Wind maybe?
  7. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i like the set of swiftwind (cleanse on stun and ap gen), aurora banner (cleanse on possession and charm, detection), and herbal antidote (complete cleanse + heal + immunity)

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