Darkmarsh Fury stealth nerf

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Saka, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl

    They did what to my baby?!
    BurnPyro likes this.
  2. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    He used to be a beast instead of a slag and make mud instead of ooze, but that was a looong time ago.
  3. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    OP is cleary your average joe with no ranked experience nor decent judgement on balance, no need to be so harsh guys

    For him the hit was big and probably upsetting, it was however a needed change in the grand scheme of things
  4. Jaraxxus

    Jaraxxus The King of Potatoes

    man you are talking about how the game is should be F2P and the technical issues just because fury was nerfed! imo this should happened long time ago, even with Augur. And i think ill still see fury in decks even with this nerf.
  5. Lanfear

    Lanfear Well-Known Member

    This is such an excellent thread! I think i laughed like 40 TIMES. Haha man... No getting through to some people. I feel like they didn't even actually nerf him. He still has the ability, just have to position more wisely. Does bring back memories tho. Like when they took magic acolyte off of Enforcer of the Circle. Haha, if i had made a thread for that, it would have looked like this. Good stuff.
    soulmilk likes this.
  6. Xinde

    Xinde Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Oh yeah, I know about that. I thought we were talking about actual nerfs, implying that Blue Belly was buffed into OP glory at some point after I left.

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