DiceMoney Stitched combo Deck

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bushido, Apr 4, 2021.

  1. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Hey guys,

    See deck below, it is tried and true, you can get to very high elo if you can pilot it perfectly. You can change around the 2nd toh, ret, for w.e u want, doom, anti healing,both work.

    Im going to be quitting this game for awhile, because there's not enough players playing unranked / customs, and the current state of laddering is really stupid thanks to op and cancer decks like this being allowed by the idiot dev-mod-wow-player.

    I encourage any top tier player who wants to use this deck to go ahead and do so. It's very very boring, but very strong. Hopefully you guys can get this, and other Bane Shift like jellibrium, aspect of growth removed from this game.

    Some tricks;

    Your banner counts as a unit and breaks loyalty for summons

    Disintegrate your own / enemy relic for 8 charges

    Deploy stitched librarian with portal if u draw hin first, he's almost always the best first deploy because there's not a big loss in losing a font (or two)

    More tips

    Practice getting ur summons in a perfect spacing for disease breath, itll help learn the combo

    Sacrificing ur harbs is ur friend;

    Darkness resets cds of your runes, it almost always gives you an advantage if you get your stitched combo off.

    Thanks to all the smart and cool ppl I met in this game, feel free to reach out to me, dicem0ney#1490 on discord.

    Attached Files:

  2. Bushido

    Bushido Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I've since changed it up a bit, I have found more success adding in wandering zombie and stitched mirror skins

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