Downtime Estimator!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KTCAOP, Mar 5, 2014.


    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!


    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    You need to choose *A* time silly =P
  3. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    If SOE is part of the process my guestimate changed to 4-6 weeks instead of 12 hours ;)
    Nemorga likes this.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    =P. Let's hope it goes go that far.

    Updated up to this point I believe!
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    27 hours, 17 mins, 53 seconds

    Note that down kids
  6. Firk

    Firk I need me some PIE!

    1337 mins
  7. Zei42

    Zei42 The King of Potatoes

    40 hours o.o

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Hello Friend! =D

    P.S. Do you still run the rune pool? =P
  9. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    oh... I think ill give it 24 hours minimum
  10. MovnTarget

    MovnTarget Forum Royalty

    33.5 hours would be my entirely arbitrary guess
  11. Rapidice

    Rapidice I need me some PIE!

    32 hours
  12. Zei42

    Zei42 The King of Potatoes

    ... I thought YOU ran the rune pool! D:

    if you mean the SL one, I started a new thread when the forums changed, but no one posted, so there was no trading. I presume I will be able to transfer the account over, if Dagda doesn't do it first.

    Should be interesting to see what happens with rune pools when there's the rune forge. I guess initially people will trade 1:1 to get the good stuff, and whoever is too slow will have to forge what they need using the crushed remains of draksar chargers.
  13. Bondman007

    Bondman007 I need me some PIE!

    DOG games 4.5 hours + SOE fail 44.5 hours = 49 total hours

    ^ this is my official downtime guess...but realistically what I expect to happen is:
    A) DOG to get the servers up...
    B) SOE says, "We're good, take it away!"
    C) DOG launches and we log on
    D) We enter codes from SOE
    E) We begin playing other people's accounts or all of our runes are missing
    F) SOE say, "Whoops, extended downtime of 1-2 hours needed."
    G) We are able to actually play Saturday
  14. nitebane21

    nitebane21 I need me some PIE!

  15. katanafish

    katanafish The King of Potatoes

    a fortnight
  16. killabud69

    killabud69 The King of Potatoes

    26 hours total. 2 Hours to transfer everything then 24 hours until they sober up and realize they forgot to flip the switch to make it go live ;-) lol
    Important Owl.jpg
    Onifrk and Gedden like this.
  17. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    Um 23 hours 57 mins 46.789 seconds... right?
  18. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    haha i should have kept reading cuz I see the answer I gave was right, but answered on next page, lol!
  19. JaceDragon

    JaceDragon I need me some PIE!

  20. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    30 hours 30 mins

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