Faction Reps

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chris0024, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    it was a good read, in a perfect world
  2. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Well, Id tend to agree, but on my own perfect world the council members would be nice and friendly as Xirone, and as creative and with as much knowledge of the game as Ryv. But wait, we had those guys, and their names were: Sok and Krebmart.
    I have no idea why DOG hasnt contact these guys to help them.
    Either way, since those ships have sailed, our best bet is to wish Gedden learns the game and play it well enough to point fingers on what he wants changed, and then hears the members with their suggestions.
    Having these guys point the fingers and make the suggestions on their own is bound to fail.
  3. Karmavore


    Flinging Bane Shift around all day never fails it seems. IMO.
    Molosse likes this.
  4. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Who says they havn't? Lotta stuff goin on in those invisible forums out there...

    Molosse likes this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    those ******** at the 113 thread still won't let me join
  6. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    By my calculation you need...70 points!

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    if you like me i'll lick you

    I can spam the rest!
    profhulk likes this.
  8. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Ok. You seem cool enough. Welcome to the club. Please follow the link in my signature.
    MEATMAN likes this.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    my new favorite person of the day
  10. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    sok has consulted some. i don't know about kreb because i haven't kept in touch.
    TeaScholar likes this.
  11. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    You think 3 likes is alot? How cute.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Join NWO and triple your cool kid status overnight! Having trouble getting enough likes to join the 113 club? Join NWO and double your likes overnight! The sowing circle is an ancient order of badassery and have bi-weekly tea parties to swap stories about strategy, fishing and telling new jokes at the expense of BurnPyro. So what are you waiting for? APPLY TODAY AND JOIN NWO! It will probably be declined... because you are not cool enough... and you smell of elderberry...
  13. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Free likes for 100% of NWO-related posts!
  14. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    I'd join NWO for sure since I'm just so amazing freakin' cool.

    But NWO wasn't there for me when I was a noob just starting out. This is why I remain a BAPE Ape. It's the legit guild of a small circle of old friends who happen to be better than all of you, and have been friends of mine on this game for a long, long time.

    We were skyping for 2v2 match communication before anyone else had the remote idea of doing so.

    We also invented the wheel.

    active forum members atm include:

    @OriginalG1 @profhulk
    OriginalG1, profhulk and Oldmaster like this.
  15. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Notice how my post garnered 2 likes without trying in just minutes? Power of NWO. The apes can keep bathing but they will just keep smelling...
    BurnPyro and SPiEkY like this.
  16. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    We are generally the first step in your modern humanoid evolutionary chain aside from PreCambrian micro-organisms.

    You cannot escape us for we are the fate of all things.

    ...Oh wait were we talking about factions or guilds?

    ..We can rip your balls off with no effort like we're picking berries.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    we have guns

    and we as in humans

    not damn dirty apes
  18. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    We can peel your skull back like we peel our bananas with minimal attention.
  19. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    We can put you in a safe and secure environment where people can come by to look at you
    BurnPyro likes this.
  20. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    I'm done.

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