Get rid of loss counters

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Legato, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    I'll agree with the OP. For those of you saying that it doesn't matter and that you shouldn't care. If you don't care and it makes everyone else feel better about how they're playing then why not?
    okkku and Anima26 like this.
  2. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    I've been playing this game for about 7-8 years and my Ranked win/loss percentage is 20%. 1 win and 4 losses. And the win is where my opponent resigned in move 3, and definitely not because of my first move.

    Therefore, this does not matter one bit to me on a personal level. I do not only think of this game on a personal level as I'm not that selfish. I think of this game as a whole for all the players that have, do and will ever play this game. That is also my outlook on life. The needs of the many outweight the needs of the one, me. I know many of you feel the same way I do, and this game and the world is so much better for it.
  3. okkku

    okkku Well-Known Member

    I just made a post on the same subject and was made aware of this fantastic post - OMG - do i want to have that red clear all button - i mean i get that the Vets might want their hard earned stats kept on gold print - i say no prob let em have it i know who they are boy can i tell when harbs an angis rush my face ff - gg - skill is awesome i love pox kool bgs and tactics but for a guy like me that dont have no harbs an angis and gets board cleared like tsunamis atleast let me have the right to wash my face after i ve been had like 200 times - i d feel refreshed and like every proper gambler ready to roll again because now i feel i can do it . . .
  4. Gaedel

    Gaedel I need me some PIE!

    I think you need to move those periods at the end of your post to the middle, maybe after a sentence. It makes paragraphs and stories much easier to read.
  5. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Ranked w/l should show

    Unranked w/l should not

  6. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    I really don't see any reason for anything but rank to persist. The information is only useful for matchmaking. Though an alternative I would also propose is displaying last "season's" top and/or final rank. I want to evaluate people on their present, not diminish them for their past -- which is something, time and time again, I've largely observed to illicit feelings of dread, sorrow, and basically nothing you would want to associate with something that's ultimately meant to promote fun. I fear I will see this happen once more, if we don't do something before the steam launch.

    The only opposition I've read against this are insanely self-serving, and unfortunately don't even see the merit this would have.
    It's disappointing but expecting the magnanimous attitude from the majority is perhaps an impossible standard.

    This is enough of an issue that I am opposed to launching to steam without addressing it, more than anything else. I think about this game and how much I want it to succeed often--- pretty much since I first played it. This came to me as an epiphany, albeit an elusively obvious one, although I try to remain cognizant of the fact such would make me understandably biased I don't find there's a single valid reason this shouldn't have been done long ago.

    @Gedden @Senshu I love this game, and I think this is a really important step for its growth going forward. I would like to invite your input and would query on what more would you have me do to express how important this is? I am willing to put in the work, this matter should not be under-represented.
  7. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    My 2 cents on the subject. There are a bunch of different types of players some of who become discouraged by win/loss ratios and other rankings and those who are driven by such stats. This is a competitive game and part of a competitive game is for player to track stats. We could always add an ability to hide those stats, but at the moment such developing time would be better spent on other things like balance and bug fixes.
  8. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    unrelated, but would it be possible for you to add in something like what riot has in the lol forums? a greentracker (instead of their redtracker) so that it's made very obvious which threads have been responded to by a green? i don't care as much about finding their posts inside the threads, although i suppose that'd be nice too, but yeah

    SPiEkY likes this.
  9. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Hmm, we may need to add a new plugin for the forums to do that. For the time being I would suggest for people who are interested in our responses to use the follow feature on the Dev accounts.
  10. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    Follow me on Twitter while you're at it
  11. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    honestly the main use of this for me is just to help us get a better feel of what you guys actually do respond to- i still see threads saying things like "YO BUT THOS GREENS DEY NO TALKN THO Y DAT U FEEL", and frankly there are a decent number of threads i read through that i don't expect any serious response to (let alone a green one) and one of you guys pops in (mostly you, really, but hey)

    it's also useful (in my view) just for those threads that you really want a green response to, once you see that a green's responded the flow of the thread is liable to change one way or another
    SPiEkY likes this.
  12. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    for the record, following a dev does not give you a message when they post somewhere.

    Think it only gives you a post if they post somewhere you have posted.

    Could you give me a positive example of a player, other than yourself, being able to view your losses?

    Maybe when they want to compliment you on the forums or accept that you win the argument because you have a better ratio than them (this is how arguments work, right?). :p

    Just trying to think of players knowing loss ratios is going to help new players compared to how it could harm the experience.
  13. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    Ah for being able to see anther's losses. That's a bit different. There is less of a reason there except to see how well someone has been doing recently. This would be more of a decision of the team if this provides any noticeable benefit or not for the amount of time it would take to change. For our engineer it would be the difference of working on putting this in vs fixing player ranking.

    Like I said, some of this may require some additional software for the forums to allow.
  14. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    I'd actually like to see a counter of pve games played.
  15. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    I'm going to bump this because I can't express how important I think it is and will especially be in the coming onset of returning and newer players. Stats and keeping track of them are great, and I definitely agree that that's the beauty of ranked but I think it should be things like avg. Kills/deaths per match, total wins per faction(I would love this), Most common rune played, most played faction, spell, etc(Some of these could even come with an option to keep it private).

    Ranks in addition to displaying total wins should be sufficient. The current system just deters players, I keep seeing this feeling emanating from people and I would give up every single one of my runes and start over if it meant that this would be taken seriously. Tracking losses especially when so many of the newer players likely face nothing but is really just creating stagnant and negative air to ranked play. The purpose it serves is minute, yet the positives of this would be many and it frankly frustrates me because this change seem obvious! Add to the fact that there isn't anything keeping older players from farming newbies with alternate accounts and I really feel not making this more of a priority is shooting ourselves in the foot.
    Fesh, SPiEkY and Authyrtyr like this.
  16. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I'm gonna go on record as still very much supporting this.
    okkku likes this.
  17. Fesh

    Fesh The King of Potatoes

    I posted about this previously in another thread but I will reiterate it here. As an old player who just came back, I feel this is a priority. The ONLY reason I have not started playing training grounds or ranked is because of the loss counter. When I left I had a decent win/loss ratio and I dont want to screw it up as soon as I come back just because i'm in noob mode right now. With the thought of LOTS of new players coming on, in my view this is an important issue. I fully support this but being a noob I know that means little to nothing here. :p
    okkku likes this.
  18. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I'm amazed at how you fit so much words in one sentence.

    Anyhow, stat deleting of any kind is a loss of data for no reason other than deceiving yourself.
    RedScarlet likes this.
  19. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Life must be very tough if you're refusing to play a video game for fun in fear of seeing a numbee potentially increase. A number which has no rational effect on you whatsoever.
    RedScarlet likes this.
  20. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    I really don't understand the significance of deleting it. If greens put up a "Hide" button on W/L count. Wouldn't the ethical treatment stay the same:

    "I'm better than you. You a baddie"
    "Why? I have XXX wins and is Limited League"
    "Can you unhide your Loss counts so we can all see ur terribad stats?"
    "Errr... *logs out and proceeds in changing into an alt*"

    People shud really change their view on W/L. . . .

    Its not like you're gonna get an achievement out of getting a 10/0 W/L count which is basically a 100% W/L ratio. I got a 900ish/1100ish which translates into a ~45% ratio. Despite that, I can still get in and out of LE. So it doesn't really dictate anything....

    I've seen people with <10% ratio that are really good. It just means that they're either playing too much in an unhealthy meta, or playing less in a healthy meta.

    I play a lot of games during IS/FS nora drain, excavator, slipwurm rush and my W/L was destroyed in an instant by playing FF SP. W/L ratio is super irrelevant when it comes to saying someone is a baddie. Nevertheless....

    (not saying its a good idea. I prefer people to be able to track their growth during their years of playing Pox)

    Alt accounts are bad for the game, so I guess I also agree in deleting W/L counts since people really takes W/L as a goodie/baddie ratio.

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