Get rid of loss counters

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Legato, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    We weren't suggesting a "hide" button. We were suggesting that it not be shown period. I will again reiterate, if it will make a lot of players in the community happier with how they play in the game and less nervous about playing ranked why not remove it? What's the harm in losing it?
    okkku likes this.
  2. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    Oooh ok well I guess that makes much more sense. To me personally:

    Cons: cannot see historical records to count W/L ratio (to see skill growth progress from Year XX to Year YY)

    Pros: community happy

    Neutral: W/L ratio is irrelevant due to other factors such as d/c rates, or unhealthy meta.
  3. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    It's silly that I have to reiterate something in the OP.

    You can feel free to make contrived and nebulous postulations regarding the meaning of people's receptiveness to your hearts content, it just has no place in this thread.
    Reiterating once again since I need to repeat things apparently:
    The need to judge people, or associate them with anything based on their perceptions that don't coincide with yours are not at all relevant.

    I want Pox to be the most fun it can possibly be and the fact of the matter is this is an issue that affects people and goes directly against this objective; the best possible Pox Nora. It's an issue that could easily be ameliorated with substantial positive implications.

    I've seen it expressed time and time again, and thus my entire motivation for this. I can't see the negatives, and I don't understand why anyone would be opposed and would want for someone to actually say something enlightening rather than attack someone who expressed their genuine angst. Again, even though he is just one person sounding off statistically many others feel like he does -- many more than we realize(I don't know how many people are aware/remember but i made it a habit to help newbies and I've given them a lot over the years in attempts to help them get into the game, only to see their dismay at this leitmotif. All that despite even guildies eventually calling me an idiot for 'having hope') Besides if nothing else, would make ranked more active. Isn't that something we all want?

    Actually part of the alternative is - though not immediate since it will likely take time to implement - would be to create more meaningful forms of stat tracking.

    If you only track games won, you would still be able to discern your overall growth. Which is the primary point.

    The secondary bit, albeit introduced a bit later would be to instead track more meaningful bits of information:
    Most common faction/rune/champion/non-champion/spell/equip/etc played.
    Wins per faction.
    Average Game End Round (Time tracking).
    Average K/D per match and per faction.
    Average time spent per turn and per faction.
    The latter two could also have it available to see this for individual matches.[/quote]
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    okkku, Anima26, SPiEkY and 1 other person like this.
  4. Fesh

    Fesh The King of Potatoes

    ^^It's a mentality like this that has always hurt this game. I post my perspective on a subject. The subject happens to relevant to my current situation (returning player who is back to full noob level). I am attacked by someone who obviously must be a top player since they attack everyone and very few seem to defend themselves. No relevant information is given in their response. I am told to have thick skin and walk it off. As I walk it off I am left with the feeling that this is the type of person who has great indirect, if not direct, influence over the decisions of the developer of this game. My renewed hope for Poxnora fades....

    As for the influence a number can potentially have over someone, numbers are ingrained into our being to be of great psychological importance in this western culture. We are brought up to be number 1 because what is second place? The first loser. We are constantly graded in school. You have to make As or you will never amount to anything! 89% is equivalent to second place which means you get that second rate job, with that second rate spouse, in that second rate house. You then get passed over for job promotions since you are only second rate and come home depressed to your second rate kids. This is the best that you can get if you come in second. Now imagine coming in 75th. You might as well end it all before the misery starts. Ah, I get side tracked so easy.

    Back to the point, numbers matter and they matter ALLOT. No one sees their win/loss ratio more than the player whose account it is attached too. I am not sure I even know how to look up someones W/L ratio but I see mine every time I look at my profile. @Legato has brought up some great ideas how to make these stats more relevant and meaningful to the player. In their current state with impending steam release, I see them only as a hindrance.

    Well time for me to get flamed. Also I am still in college so that story is not about my life but feel free to use it against me ;)
    okkku and Grumz like this.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    If I am happy. Second Rate is fine. Arguing his opinion makes his point valid by giving it enough reason to have a rebuttal. I for one am completely for removing loss counters. It is just a mentality that isn't really good for the game. No one thinks about it until they loose. Then they just get a bit depressed going into the next game. This stacks and can be detrimental for the game.

    Take Smite for instance. If your really good with a God it will tell you your Kills/Wins/Assists It says nothing about your loss count.
    okkku likes this.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    It doesn't matter who you are, but claiming a victim role (by a loss counter) and taking it so far is just silly. I'm sorry, but if the most trivial of things is psychologically beating you up as hard as you claim, you shouldn't be gaming in the first place.
    Baskitkase likes this.
  7. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    Sigh, Burn why can't you leave it out of this thread? Are my words completely meaningless?

    I didn't care. I lost 70+ games before I won my first. I thought this was bad, but the friend who brought me to the game lost most of his first 200.

    This is commonplace. I'm saying we're the exceptions. Most people give up long before this. Some games are great, ideally we're at a middle point where the skill disparity isn't so wide that all games having learning value but for the newer players this isn't the case. Most of their games are as bad as a back alley colonoscopy. Why can't we be magnanimous? Why not alleviate this attidue if essentially nothing is to be lost if we do?

    Perception is everything and some of us see these losses as a derivative to wins that follow-- which is true and a point I've preached to many people about ad nauseum, but does this struggle even need to exist? That's my topic, please focus on it.
    okkku likes this.
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    My problem lies with the needless loss of data. It's a competitive game. (as senshu said). I see your point, I honestly do. I just believe the problem lies in the poor starting environment. Better starter decks, better TG, better guidance for new players to learn more than how to move champs. Erasing the number wont change people losing 70 or 200 in a row. People aren't stupid, they'll know they're doing poorly even without the counter.

    I feel that it's a poor band-aid for an underlying problem: the new player experience.
    Sirius likes this.
  9. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I posted this in another thread about this, but feel it's pretty relevant.

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2014
  10. AmmonReros

    AmmonReros I need me some PIE!

    I personally would like to keep the W/L display.
    Just simply for the reason that I very much like personal statistics.

    Also my E-weewee grows big that.
  11. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Let's remove loss counters nobody likes losinggggggg. On a side note i have noticed every time i am on a win streak i start going first more often but when i lose i go second anyone else notice this ? Or does anyone know how the going first or second is determined?
  12. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    How are we losing data? Not displaying and not tracking information are two different things.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  13. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Because as a player you don't have acces to green info. It is a loss of data

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I don't think anyone of us here is talking about a complete removal of the data. You can still see losses on the Player Profile page. I think what we all want, is for that depressing little category at the end of the match to disappear.
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I couldn't care less about the end of game screen, I stopped looking at it years ago. As long as it can be found on the profile page or wherever, fine.

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