Glimpse into Utterdark Rework

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Redderrick, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. Redderrick

    Redderrick I need me some PIE!

    Forsaken Wastes
    Glimpse into Utterdark


    Cost: 30

    Area Effect 3: Friendly non-Avatar champions gain Phase Shift for 2 turns. If the champion already has Phase Shift, it gains Incorporeal for 2 turns and Phase Shift's CD is set to 2. For each affected champion with Race: Spirit or Lich, your opponent loses 3 nora, to a maximum of 15.
    Glimpse into Utterdark


    Cost: 40

    Target a real friendly non-Avatar champion, that champion gains:
    • [​IMG] Nebathex This champion has Boss, Shielded and Beacon. At the end of your turn, if this champion is not in play it becomes concealed into your runedock.
    (Duration 4 turns)
    Nebathex Hollow:
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  2. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    As a formal point, duration should be noted directly in the description, not in a parenthetical.

    As for design... I really dislike all of the Nebathex stuff. Great if you want to fool around with it on your own time, but re-developing old runes into this theme just repulses me. The entire Nebathex idea strays too far tonally and mechanically from the core Pox stuff -- it's like you are trying to build a different game entirely, and that flippant disregard for what Poxnora is will get you few fans here.
    bobobugreports likes this.
  3. bobobugreports

    bobobugreports New Member

    i completely agree - this guy gets beaten in comp matches then throws out reworks on the forums as a form of retaliation -
    as for the whole nebanex thing it seems like the whole idea was done half-heartedly and honestly it all feels like an attempt to troll

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