guyz please tell how can i improve my treefolk bg

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by haiden, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. haiden

    haiden Member

  2. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    Few pointers:
    1. No FF KF deck should ever be run without Horn of Order and Withering Fern. Add those.
    2. Woodmarshal. The newest Exotic gives you a way to free some space when a unit is no longer needed via Fuel and works like a secondary plan for your late game. And hits like a truck.
    3. Add another Dryad. She hits for 11 at RNG 2-5 at the very least with Willowind out, and heals front-liners. If you use her correctly, she will hard-carry your plants to victory alongside Oakthumper.
    4. Thumpy (Oakthumper). Add another. NAO.
    5. Probably (take this with a grain of salt) add another Gnarlwood Grampa (Patriarch)

    Stuff that you could remove:
    1. Starlight Sylph. Out of theme, not really useful besides the long-range magic damage.
    2. Living Vines.
    3. Brambles.
    4. Deadwood Strider. The rune is not really needed, your tanks are Thumpy and Gramps (Patriarch).
    5. Wood Elemental. Too much of a risk for me to be really useful, although some people adhere to it.
    6. I'm not a big fan of running Launchers without Bullseye. Either you run those 3-4 runes together or none at all.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Things that go well with Treefolk that you've missed.

    *Combined Effort - When your trees are rooted and cannot act, this spell will help you use that built up AP for something.
    *Hunter's Charm - This goes really really well with either the Willowinds, the Launchers, or K'thun.
    *Rejuvenation Ring - Equip a Tanglefoot with this and they will become as gods (until Tanglefoot rightly loses Flurry).
    *2 copies of Lash Down is probably not necessary.
    *I wouldn't even bother using the Lifegiver right now (permenent Lumbering, lowest DMG, Healing Deficiency. Unless you're using it with Call to Arms & Cleanse, then i would replace it with an Oaken Defender (should be named Gnarlwood Defender)
    *You're missing the KF war banner.
    *Burning Oak Seed should be included here, both for the alt DMG & the immunity to Fire.
    *Treefolk are really tanky and you're already relying on their high DEF for their survival. Try using the Spell Menento (doesn't see a lot of play, i know). An oversight of the Treefolk's theme design causes everything except for the Oakthumper, Defender, & Willowind to gain 2 DEF from this spell.
    *If you have no problem using horribly designed runes (both aesthetically & it's mechanics) then you might include a Skyshear Pegasus.
    *The Wood Elemental is something you need to be very very careful about using in a Tree BG. It belongs in your deck, but be careful.
    *Thirion & Elite blade is a good combination, and since Thirion is a plant, you might consider adding him to your BG.
    *Reclaim is a poor pick in a Treefolk BG IMO. You're trees cannot engage enemies once rooted, and so it tends to be much easier for the opponent to maneuver out of the AOE.
    *Consider adding a Vinetouch Pedestal, along with champions that don't have either Treefolk or Plant as a race.
    *Fuel, while not auto include in a Tree BG, is something you should consider if you're going to run high cost champs. You can use it to strategically sacrifice a high cost champ that you know is going to die after it has expended its last AP, then be in a position to recover it's Nora globe .
    *Get rid of your Starlight Sylph. It has no place in your BG, though it could if you wanted to try splitting Faeries with Treefolk & Vinetouch.
    *Catharsis Bloom is auto include in every single KF BG (until it's rightfully changed).
    *They both have their place, but consider replacing Nature's Wrath with Thorn Collection. You're trees will have enough healing, be tanky enough, and be in a good position to help fuel the Nora refund side of the spell.
    *Consider using K'thun the Ancient, especially if you're going to run the Elemental (though Wandering needs to be recoded, to move if moving in a direction is possible).
    *Consider using Light of the Circle for Detection, since you could use the alt. DMG in a BG so limited to Magic & Physical.
    *Consider using Grimlic's Portal. It's immune to physical damage, which can be invaluable.
    *Include 2 copies only of the things you use the most. Diversity is important too.

    I think I've hit all of the major spots here. Hope i helped a little bit.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  4. haiden

    haiden Member

    thx for ur help was helpfull will add thorn collection( is hard to get),bloom,another thomper,dryad,rejevunating ring to me bg and i dont like oaken defender since he is useless alone with lumbering and 5 speed... but i was wondering which rune can i use with vinetouch relic since im new to kf i dont know many champs.
  5. bl4cksc4r

    bl4cksc4r New Member

    dont run oaken defender, and consider Wizard of the Ways, he can relocate ur relics, and relocate foe is nice with tanglefoot/when ur rooted.
  6. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    The Oaken Defender is a walking tank. Defensive Stance + 3 DEF + Take Root = 7 DEF + 2 more if Impassioned from Shrine Defender is given (all of this for 47 Nora). Most people take him with Defensive Stance & Reinforcement as upgrades. Willowinds can help give this guy mobility, and you have them in your BG already.

    So, let's walk through a fairly typical scenario here. You have your Oaken Defender out (which you put 1 of in your BG because they're awesome) and it gains an easy 6 AP from Reinforcement. It's the 4th champion you've summoned, and you've summoned it near enough that a Willowind can remove Lumbering. You move 1 space and wait a turn to get full AP. You summon what you can & cast Memento; your Oaken Defender now has 4 DEF. You run it into your opponents font zone and use Defensive Stance; your Oaken Defender now has 8 DEF. You take a few hits, but that doesn't matter because your an 8 DEF Treefolk with 58 base HP. Next turn comes around and you Take Root; your Oaken Defender now has 10 DEF, +10 Health, and is rooted in your opponents font (it's Unstoppable too :p). Now lets' talk bonus buffs... Faction Banner + 5 Health, Boost Treefolk 2 from Willowind + 6 Health, Grass terrain -2 DMG from Ranged Attacks via Camouflage, Treefolk's Blessing + 3 DEF/Regen 3/Resist: Physical 3, and Greenhouse for +1 DEF & SPD. It also gives 3 DEF to allies within 2 spaces of it, Deals bonus damage from Punish, and COSTS 47 NORA.

    TL DR: Oaken Defender is a 47 Nora God-Tree with potential stats upwards of 14 DEF (+ additional -2 DMG from ranged), 79 Health, 15 DMG, & Unstoppable. You would be a fool not to include 1 in a Treefolk BG.
  7. cantha

    cantha The King of Potatoes

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  8. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    • Vinecreeper in FF KF? Did I miss something? o_O
  9. cantha

    cantha The King of Potatoes

    Yea... that was suppose to be spikewood abomination, thanks mate, corrected it.
  10. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    Starlight Sylph actually has lots of coincidental synergy. She's interesting if you're really looking to push the Tanglefoot/Spikewood/Fireoak angle.
    • Encouraged benefits from Tanglefoot's Flurry and Fireoak's Multiattack.
    • The Swap upgrade gives Fireoak (and other small champs) a way to be shifted around
    • Starshine gives Majestic to already tanky treefolk, increasing their survivability
    • Telekinetic Thrust can push enemies into a rooted tree's attack range (tricky but possible)
    That said, I agree that Woodmarshals are a better and more thematic include if you can get your hands on them. His ability to serve as a backup plan is something I noticed as well and need to add to the guide (along with other revisions).
    • It's hard not to include 2 Dryads. They're cheap alternative damage. can be quite strong in theme, and provide additional healing.
    • Treecaller now benefits from most of the theme boosts, summons Saplings quickly, and can also provide Boost 1 or 2 (and actually 3 until that gets fixed).
    • If you include 2 Oakthumpers and 2 Launchers, a Butterfly Wings can be useful. Drop on an enemy and hit with Execute and Windstriker or give Launcher surprise mobility.
    • Lose Living Vines.
    • Consider losing Grimlic's Eye.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  11. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    add more sunderpedes
    dsjtheman likes this.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    I was going to suggest Exorcists but dagda's suggestion is also viable.
  13. GemmaXylia

    GemmaXylia Forum Royalty

  14. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    I recommend all Treefolk players to go with the Shroud/Surge route for upgrades on Oakthumper.

    Why are you using Execute, Gorebucket? Genuinely curious, since you are the field expert on Pox's flora.
  15. GemmaXylia

    GemmaXylia Forum Royalty

    To chime in on this,
    I run one with shroud/surge one with resilient/surge , would never really take execute o.o
  16. Gorebucket

    Gorebucket Forum Royalty

    I always took Surge/Shroud as well. It's a really good balance of defense and power. I tried Execute after some observing and suggesting, just to see if it was worth passing on Shroud. Oakthumper does good damage to flying units anyway, but combined with Execute he simply obliterates them. The extra damage for 1 Ap doesn't hurt on landlocked units either and the Butterfly Wings combo makes one rounding almost any unit a piece of cake. I'm not saying Surge/Execute is the definitive build or anything, but it suits a more aggressive play style and seems at least as viable as the other. Passing on Shroud is a hard sell (I used that build since forever), but one shot a few annoying champs and you start to think you can live without Shroud.
    GabrielQ likes this.
  17. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I don't pretend to offend anyone, but I think that a more advanced player will take execute and surge, increasing his instantaneous damage output, gaining a powermove otherwise not possible, shroud makes the already efficient treefolk more efficient, but execute gives the possibility of a instakill. And this is not even counting that shroud is available on the patriarch
  18. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    I remember wiping your Tortun BG with my Shroud/Surge Oakthumper very clearly, before they nerfed the Tortun racial.
  19. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!


    Edit: No entiendo como una partida de hace más de 2 años tiene algo que ver con lo que yo diga ahora, para que traerlo a colación? No hay necesidad de eso, yo no quise ofenderte.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014
  20. Andralexis

    Andralexis I need me some PIE!

    Treefolk are efficient, but their strength lies in having their multiple layers of buffs on hte field. Anything that increases the survability of the key Treefolk should always be considered priority. Specially when you have powerturn enablers as potent as Leash Down, Bullseye and Horn of Order.

    Given the low prevalence in the current meta of pure flying decks and the overwhelming population of ranged units, Evasive 2 on a AoE3 for your units is preferable. Spirit BG's lack flying units, although regularly they can and will only be harmed by magical attacks. Draksars, SL Beasts, current IS Barbs splits, UD Beasts and current ST Meta BG's run at most 2 flying units each, if at all.

    Note how all factions and current battlegroups have access to ranged or pseudo-ranged capabilities.

    Execute is an option for powerturning, but why go there when you have powerturn enablers as powerful as Soften/Greenhouse or the even more powerful Take Root/Bullseye + Coordination combo? It is unnecessary, overkill and a waste of resources.

    The whole analysis I've dedicated myself to do with Treefolk, rendered and labeled as "less advanced" opinion by a player I beat using the same strategy I am advocating. Guess you will realize why my remark.

    EDIT: A la edición de arriba - Sé que no fue con intención de ofender, pero tu selección de palabras fue muy pobre. Recuerdo la partida con extremo detalle porque fue el juego que cimentó mi decisión de llevar Shroud y no Execute como un mejor upgrade para el deck Treefolk.

    Si estoy molesto, no lo tomo personal, y traigo el juego a colación porque Evasive 2 en mis unidades ganó la fuente central y eventualmente la partida. Execute es viable, pero innecesario, IMO.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2014

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