Haunting Grip

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by vvvvv, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. learnedone

    learnedone Well-Known Member

    I would love to see this exhibition
  2. XFurionsX

    XFurionsX I need me some PIE!

    Who cares who is going to win, is a lose/lose for haunting grip, jazz wins all hell break loose because the ghost is op, bk wins it was because he is so good that knew to counter the opness in the ghost, and only he and very few others can counter it.
  3. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    A couple of misconceptions about the spell which currently has its spell text incorrect from how it works in actual play.

    The spell should read "This spell summons a Haunting Spirit champion (without any upgrades) attached to target champion and the spirit gains 3 ap"

    • No refunds are rewarded for spirits in play
    • The champion does not have depression or Soul Channeling upgrades

    The spell is comparable to Waylay in power which should say something right there.
    The main difference is that Haunting Spirit doesn't require a contest but in exchange the unit is a summon and somewhat harder to deal with while the skeez is a real champion, more hp, and is efficient.

    Haunting spirit is a griefer unit and only factors in win scenarios for non-magic damage or magic damage light battle groups due to effectively flooding the board with cheap ghosty meat stacking auras.

    Giving the unit short lived and down the cost by 5 nora will help avoid the snowball stacking but will leave the intended grieving.
    Baskitkase likes this.
  4. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    Depression is not on the summons any more(and I believe the refund clause was removed and GEDDEN HASN'T FIXED THE TEXT).
    However, Latch On is better than all that. Any rune wanting to strand you can only move half as far (and taking an entire turn to do so means it won't attack).
    Also, if you can double cast Grip, the target rune will be immobilized (albeit for only one turn...) and take 12 damage.

    In addition, these guys are perma-stealthed in spirit BGs because of insubstantiate.

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