Hearthstone players, unite!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Pedeguerra, Jul 21, 2014.

  1. Scarebear

    Scarebear Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Got to 19 with dragon priest. The first 5 ranks of matchups were easier than the casual games ive been playing. Still not confident enough yet for arena. Dont want to blow my quest freebie :D
  2. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    No, I dont think so. As Jib pointed out, his stats are too terrible to be worth a include.
    I might be wrong, though, simply because being able to put a minion down while destroying another is too good.
    On your other question, Id just recommend going to Hearthpwn and finding a deck that you can build, its way easier than me explaining it.
    Lastly, welcome on board @Scarebear !
    Jib, I will add you. I dont have my # here atm, but its warfootlc something.
  3. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    If he didn't have the dragon clause he'd be at brainless auto-include status, that's for sure


    gimme free pack
  4. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Don't know who yagami is (but I'm assuming he's from here) but thanks for the free pack with that devastating win when a 1st drop Cleric forced the surrender.

    In unrelated arena news, I'm having trouble adjusting my picks. Here's what I was pondering today :

    1- Cairne / Mukla / Malygos (humblebrag)
    2- Harvest Golem / Vigil / Nightblade
    3- Truesilver / Fen / Sheep
    4- Vigil / Rifleman / Hand of Prot
    5- Spider Tank / Mogushan / Blessing of Might
    6- Spiteful Smith / Silvermoon Guardian / Eye4Eye
    7- Ancient Brewmaster / Hand of Prot / Holy Light
    8- Aldor Peacekeeper / Defender of Argus / Injured Blademaster
    9- Shielded Minibot / Piloted Shredder / Acolyte of Pain
    10- Tirion / Mukla / Sneed (humblebrag#2)

    So yeah, that pick 9. Is it the correct move to take Minibot over Shredder (which I learned early that you should NEVER pass) to fit my curve? If it was a random 2 drop it would have been easy but it's not like Minibot is a poor choice to begin with.


    That's the curve I ended up with so in retrospect taking the 2 drop seemed ok but I don't know... passing a Shredder is dirty.
    Last edited: May 6, 2015
  5. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    First off, I will add you kind sir, just havent had the time to log in yet this week.
    Secondly, on that 9 pick:
    Disclaimer: I have only reached 12 victories 3 times, 2 with mage and 1 with paladin, so theres that. However, I manage to get 7 victories like 80% of the time, so theres that as well.
    On my experience I have found that for a good 12 victories run you need to have a curve that has a lot of 2s and 3s, and then it decreases from there. A lot of 4 drops will hardly allow you to get more than 6, 7 wins, even if you have excellent units (like Shredders).
    Also, card draw is really, really important in Arena, so you want at least some 3 sources of it.
    With that said, on that specific scenario Id go with Shredder simply because it was on curve when it was offered to you, but yeah theres no shame in letting it go if your deck demands another choice. Minibots are excellent units, and if you need acolyets combined with Blessings are awesome.
    Also, that Tirion - nice.
    Lastly, in my 12 victories paladin I had 4 Blessing of Might, so I never let those pass.
  6. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Hey, I'm just aiming to get over 4 wins for once, 12 is really not for now. Here's the whole thing :


    I'm feeling good on most of the picks, the suspect ones being Questing (it was that or Arcane Golem) and Tallstrider (Cogmaster was the other choice, might have been better). I'll probably auto lose against an hyper aggro deck or control (but who ever drafts that) but overall, I like my chances against everything else in between. Might be one of the best I've drafted yet. Obviously the 2 leg helped.

    I'll come back with the riveting tale about how I went 1-3 with it once I can play my games later.
  7. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Do tell me how it went please.
  8. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Holy crap Hearthstone reached 30 million players.
  9. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    in before some fool says its all because of the Blizzard name and not because of their business model.
  10. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Yes HS business model is indeed awesome.
    You make people hooked on the game by giving them a TON of free stuff, but you are able to make people pay $ to get into it more and be more competitive.
    I have managed to get my best 5 nerdie friends to get hooked on HS and spending a lot of $$$, something I never managed to make them do with Pox. They would sign in, play a handful of games, realise how expensive it is to get into the game, how long matches take and how low the population was, and never touch it again.
  11. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member


    Doesn't factor in people who just logged in for the mount or people who tried it and never played again.

    Still, even if you rule those out they still have an astronomical playerbase.

    Their business model isn't unique. F2P games with a trickle of gold to get you free stuff are dime a dozen yet no one comes close. It's because the game is super easy to learn/play and yes, you get a feeling you can compete even if you never spend a dollar on it. Ignoring the brand recognition when they automatically tapped in the wow/sc/diablo pool is kinda reductive.

    Wizards is dropping a new Magic game this summer with (what it seems so far) a similar business model. They will never even come close to 10% of those numbers. Magic is this arcane game that's too hard to play and doesn't have those pretty animations.
  12. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    the name got them that first look. its not what kept them coming back. fast fun and free. and well done. even when you filter out the f2p crowd, the competitive paying playerbase of HS still blows pox away. and it isn't because the gameplay is better. we all know it isn't. but since HS is the place to be, its the pond those whales want to swim in. the only way pox will draw more whales is by drastically increasing its playerbase. the only way to do that is to drastically relax its f2p model (while still giving whales something to spend their money on).
  13. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Good points.
    Think I might check out that new Magic game once it hits.
  14. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    There's no doubt HS is very well done (even if I find it kind of boring in terms of gameplay). It's also new and has the Blizzard brand and polish, while being a super accessible card game (this, of course, is a big strength of Blizzard and why WoW was so successful, and also part of what made LoL blow up over it's counterparts like HoN).

    It also launched at a time when social/streaming is a big thing, and it launched with streamed $$$ tournaments on multiple continents (I was watching tournaments before I got a chance to play the actual game!).


    That said, when something says they have X million players - that number is typically the number of registrations. It's possible Blizzard is reporting some other thing, but why? So basically, it is not active players, it is not concurrent players, it is not even the number of players who have played at least one game. Heck, even Pox can boost million players with that definition. World of Warcraft is over 100 million, incidentally, and League of Legends is also around 30 million.

    There's also World of Tanks, which is pretty much the grindiest and least new player friendly games out there has 60 million users under this definition (I love the game now, but man, if I was playing it on my own and not for work I wouldn't have stuck with it long enough to love it). If you play bad enough, it is literally possible to not be able to earn new content in that game (unless you spend money).

    To unlock a Tier 10 (top tier) tank costs millions of credits in that game. The E 100, for example is 6.1 million credits. A GOOD player can average 10-15k credits a game reasonably, so that means it takes around 50-100 hours of gameplay to unlock the credits for that tank. If you aren't very good, it could take you hundreds of hours.

    Of course, you also need XP to unlock it, and most tanks have a ton of additional intermediate unlocks you need/want as well.

    Note that the farther down the tank trees you go, the more the tanks costs to run (ammo/repairs), but you don't earn as much... the top tier tanks actually lose credits unless you basically kill the majority of the enemy team by yourself.

    On the other hand, their ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) is about 5 times that of League of Legends (whose model is very generous).


    One of the things that HS does a great job with in terms of what it gives new players is that their class model means you are typically earning stuff you can use initially. It gives you the sense that what you earn matters. On the other hand, no matter how much more generous Pox has become, you are earning random cards that you may or may not care about. Additionally, that card is 1 of THOUSANDS in the games, whereas 1 card in HS is a lot more meaningful relative to the total collection.


    Oh, and Arena is genius.
    Last edited: May 7, 2015
  15. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Yeah, Arena is genius indeed.
  16. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    I am humbled to say that I didn't think of it myself when we were doing Drafts for Pox and I was wrestling with the playerbase problem.

    Also, added some info on World of Tanks in previous post.
  17. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    That pally deck scrubbed the Firk out. That and I'm bad.

    Never lucky.
  18. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Karma balances all things. That last arena run was garbage, the next one I broke my 4-3 record. With 11 wins. I still don't know wtf happened.
    SaintKiwi likes this.
  19. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    Regressing towards the mean? :D
  20. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Good job, man. Nice.
    Which hero were you playing with?
    Also, good rewards are good.

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