Heroic Dailies Reset?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrSteve, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Asmodeu22

    Asmodeu22 New Member

    WTF Heroic Daily reset again... I spend lots of shard for new runes...

    Great this time i got 40 pvp games... (i dont play pvp-to week battlegroup). Can you remove pvp achiv or add this as bonus achiv or ?
  2. Tryo

    Tryo The King of Potatoes

    Mine reset last night as well. I just made a deck to tackle the newest ones and while playing a game i was Disconnected. When i just relogged the achievements reset and changed for a second time. The time left to complete also changed.
  3. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    They reset AGAIN?

    Pleeeeease, Sok ...
  4. Asmodeu22

    Asmodeu22 New Member

    Do you reset/change Heroic again in this week or this time we can make / collect new deck and play? (time counter- 5 days...)
  5. Wraith

    Wraith Administrator Octopi

    Today's reset was a necessary part of the patch to fix the bugs you've already mentioned with heroic achievements. As of next week heroic achievements will be running on a 2 week timer, with no exceptions, as intended. We appologize for the inconvenience and are already working on giving out some rewards to players who were unable to finish heroics due to the resets.
    Iskandak, bambino and Qucas like this.
  6. Vayatel

    Vayatel New Member

    Hm, my week achievemts didnt reset( maybe samething wrond?
  7. Wraith

    Wraith Administrator Octopi

    It's a bit random, so someone out there was bound to get the same achievement set. If you hadn't finished them this means you can now :)
  8. Vayatel

    Vayatel New Member

    Yes, but I'll tell you about the second reset)
    Achievements simply dumped or someone take reward?
  9. Daerthalus

    Daerthalus Devotee of the Blood Owl

    We got 3k gold and 500 shards for taking part in heroic achievement prior to reset. Was that 3k/500 per reset cuz we resetted on twice,right?
  10. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    The gift was paid out just once.

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