Honestly... Desert Owl I need you to read this.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyjpen, Mar 16, 2014.


Do you think token's prices should be lowered?

  1. Yes, It is quite difficult to get tokens with their current pricing.

  2. No, I do not mind grinding for hours just to level my BG up.

  3. Neutral - Don't really care about the topic in general.

  1. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    This is tiring :(

    The relevence is tide master used to cost 4k gold for a player to acquire directly from the store if they don't want the hassle of trading (a major deterrent for new players). If they figure out poxbox it was about 2.8k PB credits. Now look at how many shards you need for a tidemaster, the prices for staple runes have skyrocketed, . Slick and buzz used to be what, 9~12k PB (around 15k gold)? It now costs 500 shards for a slick and buzz....
  2. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    I recently aquired two mindbenders and I can't CP them currently. That kind of sucks. Still, the debate has time; there are more glaring issues, such as the campaign server crashing every three minutes.

    Edit: To Saka, yes, doing things with shards is wasteful. But it was a good step anyway, because it sets a ceiling to exo prices. Nobody can price his exos more than 3 1/3 times what the lowest new exo costs, and no more than 20 times what the lowest new rare costs. That is the true sense behind it.

    To aquire the runes you want, farm 28k gold, buy an extended box and trade with poxbox for whatever you want. Tide masters will be the least of your worries.
    Aleswick likes this.
  3. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    IDK what you're trying to achieve here so I'm too tired, bye
  4. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - Now do it with skeletal lerper which you couldnt find on PB cuz of sharks... you can also now turn some terrible voodoo shamfies into a tide master with shards...you couldnt do that before.
    Aleswick likes this.
  5. Tarew

    Tarew New Member

    Ok that's a fair comment. I do agree that certain runes are harder to get now with the shard system than they were before.
    I do not however believe that DOG implemented that system as a "cash-grab" or for motivations of greed. As was pointed out, other runes have gotten much easier to get hold of thanks to this system, including many key runes across different factions.

    Also I don't see how rune pricing is related to the token issue which is what this thread is about. And as I just pointed out, the short-term 'solutions' presented for tokens, are not viable. You'll have to wait.
  6. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    they could have achieved full accessibility by introducing the shard system, AND not labeling such high shard prices/low sacrifice returns...
  7. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    That's assuming new players would stay long enough to farm 28k gold. ALso, is farming 28k gold the single best expected strategy every new player should take in order to get started on the game? Should poxnora promote this strategy and integrate into its tutorials? What about trading that comes after, with no guarantee of getting the runes you want? What is your projected expected time allocation when it comes to hunting for basic key runes in a deck?

    The forge system while the idea is good, the implementation is a mess with exoborant prices. It created a lot of problems when those problems could have been easily prevented by having lower prices in general
    rickyjpen likes this.
  8. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    No, I'm not saying its perfect, but accessability is at an all-time high. It is the current best strategy to get started, but it is too big a stepping stone in the long term, I agree. As for the Rune forge, Hearthstone has 1 for 4, Pox has 1 for 3 1/3. I'm happy with the ratios. As I said, they are to ceiling the trading prices, not to really make stuff with it, usually.
  9. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    Yeah, we can agree accessbility is better than before, I think pox was very bad to begin with so its not saying much' they could have done a lot better this time around. My issue with the runeforge system is that while it solved some problems, I got this feeling when they were labeling rune shard prices they were resistant to being 'generous' and dropped the ball. This runeforge system could have been easily 100% successful had they implemnted with a much lower price as I keep iterating, as opposed to now where it ups the average cost of key runes that were trivialy priced before.

    It's how little shards we get from sacrificing runes, along with basic shards costing like 100, 250 and 500, along with the gold price of boosters/boxes, combined we have this mess. They need to have a major rescale in all 3 fields and I hope soon...
  10. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    making token prices at 1 or 0 gold doenst mean it's doing away with the CP system, it just means it's a way to skip the leveling of the CP system. You still get to choose 2 abilities of your choice. Either that or code all runes auto-level to 3 upon acquiring and code in another item that would level all runes to 3 at 0 or 1 gold. I just assumed changing the token price is the easiest and quickest fix, takes like no time to change to code for that.

    Even if we hand out tokens out for free, if they want to explore further with CP system they could easily code in other items that interact with CP system at a later time, doesn't have to restrict themselves to tokens, these are all very easily managed
  11. Donegals

    Donegals Well-Known Member

    Personally, I remember when levelling actually meant something (back in octopi days) and would love to see it go back that was. One of the first things that attracted me to pox was the ability for your runes to gain exp as you played with them. Sure, a new player wasn't going to be competitive in ranked but guess what? A new player will never be competitive in ranked.

    Doing away with cp / making tokens too easily available is just lazy gaming.
  12. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    I think this kind of elitism is what kills games. It shouldn't be 'do players deserve to play poxnora if they arent willing to grind it out?'. It should be the other way around, 'why should players play poxnora with so many competitive games on the market?'
    Zenity likes this.
  13. Aleswick

    Aleswick Member

    I think that the price of tokens are outrageous. Call it lazy gaming if you want, but truth is people like convenience. Having tokens at a reasonable price is not a game breaker. Let's face the more important issues like the game crashing over and over again.
    Zenity likes this.
  14. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - News flash, the tokens are the convenience.
  15. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    News flash, no.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  16. IceNorth

    IceNorth Devotee of the Blood Owl

    They are still working on new user experience, and stated multiple times that runeforge system is deffo open to tweaks and suggestions. There was simply not enough time to implement all needed stuff.

    Current system deffo works for players that already have enough runes to form at least one decent deck, and i am sure they are working on improving accessibility for new players. Cost of tokens is higher, but nothing too bad when u do the math and buy bigger pack.

    For slick and buzz u mentioned u can just craft something expensive instead of them and trade on poxbox. New players that join, well, almost any guild will be pointed in right direction.

    Also new players are able to use public decks that will be tweaked out soon too.

    I have played many games and not in a single one u can just go right off and fight top 10 players in the game. It sounds like u are looking for everything free, right away, without having to put a single shred of effort.
  17. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    The idea is their runeforge system would have been fine if it wasn't for the feeling of them really going out of their way to mark up the prices on everything. It takes less than a minute to figure out at 100, 250, 500 shards for staple runes along with tiny returns and 28k gold per box, new players don't get anywhere. It takes no time to realize this and before relaunch they had plenty time to figure this one out. They knew, its just they marked up the prices anyway.

    Craft something else expensive instead? What?

    Ah, the good old 'want everything for free, no effort' argument... I thought these kind of statements would have died in a year such as 2014 :|
  18. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - There are people still going out of their way to find work around to supporting a game they enjoy playing.
  19. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    There are people still trying to rob a game of its customers by alienating them with arbitrary and nerve-wracking barriers.
  20. IceNorth

    IceNorth Devotee of the Blood Owl

    U craft say a skellie lerper and trade it to poxbox for 2-3 starter exos u want, not that complicated.

    Also crafting is just about last resort, and is there to put a floor, or top cost of runes. U are acting like it's only way to get anything, like trades don't exist ....

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