Honestly... Desert Owl I need you to read this.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyjpen, Mar 16, 2014.


Do you think token's prices should be lowered?

  1. Yes, It is quite difficult to get tokens with their current pricing.

  2. No, I do not mind grinding for hours just to level my BG up.

  3. Neutral - Don't really care about the topic in general.

  1. symbolist

    symbolist New Member

    Its really REALLY not hard! and its really REALLY obscene!

    Its such a toxic system, I have no idea why they haven't fixed it yet. I was literally saving gold for the past 4-5 days waiting for this patch to drop because I was under the impression they WOULD fix it. and all they did was make it 1000 gold less. Heres the math:

    Guaranteed returns.
    75cp(bronze) + 150(silver) + 400(gold) - 625cp/3000g
    50 ea/45g - 500/450g - 3350cp/ 3015g
    Almost a 500% markup. That's an insane gold sink. It makes no sense. It just stops newer players from getting packs to actually play the god damn game, and bars older players from playing at the level theyre used to until they grind out billions of cp.

    It really compels me to quit if I didn't enjoy playing with friends so much. I can't take games of playing against level 99's with full, leveled decks with legendaries I can't even get on poxbox because of sharks, when I can't even get my C/U/R's to level 3 without getting my ass pounded for 40 games.
  2. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    OMG calm down
  3. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    I agree :eek:
  4. symbolist

    symbolist New Member

    I have trouble believing this company can't find a decent hotfix solution to this incredibly toxic system while we wait for a more renovated and adaptive version to come out.

    Sorry if it stresses me that I've actually been dropping gold on these token packs (as opposed to getting real packs and real rewards for playing their game - which should be the god damn point, by the way - which would encourage me to pay real money when I had the chance because I'd feel like I was making tangible progress by doing so) and still don't have a deck that I can play without being completely outclassed in the battle grounds by decks with 1-2 stars over me. It's really debilitating and doesn't, contrary to the belief of most players and their "grind to upgrade" thoughts, encourage me to play more to feel like I'm passing a stepping stone by hitting level 3 on cards. It just makes me feel like I'm being subjugated to an artificial time/gold sink so I can't be apart of the actual economy of the game by buying packs and hopefully getting cards to put in the trade or break down for shards.

    This isn't an unfair viewpoint. This system is ludicrous.
  5. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    You make sense on the CP grinding to Lvl cards but Geddan has already said that is in the process of being reworked :D;)
  6. symbolist

    symbolist New Member

    You missed the part where I talked about how toxic this system is and they literally just passed up a chance to make a decent temporary fix while they make way for a more comprehensive rework but chose not to contrary to roughly 60% of the community hating it.

    It's really insulting.
  7. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    The system is painful yes. But yet again im sure DOGs will sort it out thean refine the system...plus community has people like you who say enough to be heard o_O
  8. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    It's not insulting at all. Stop being an entitled lil brat and be patient.
    BloodAshes likes this.
  9. symbolist

    symbolist New Member

    Yeah - doubtful. I donno, my guys will get to level 3 eventually, but i'll resent the game the whole time. It gets tiresome having mindtheifs that don't even have a psychic ping, or fleshbites without rabid. These are just core parts of their gameplay and it breaks them not to have the output they would with level 3 - yet I'm expected to play them at their absolute worst just to get them there.

    Greysands - 'Let them eat cake', right? Shut the hell up. Dropping the incredibly obscene 4100 gold token pack to a slightly less but still super obscene 3000 isn't a good fix. It's just to tide us over like sheep.
  10. BloodAshes

    BloodAshes The King of Potatoes

    "Why Carnt weeee be friends....Why carnt we be friendsss" :mad::cool::eek:
  11. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    You telling me that the cp is going to have some drastic changes to it is enough to settle my worries for the time being :).

    Though I still don't fully agree that 3000 was a good enough drop for the time being I shall play around with it for a bit. Thank you for your hasty response to this.

    I am very eager to see your changes to the current cp system :). Please take your time with the actual cp change to make sure it is a success. Which sounds contradicting in a way to my post. But I was not fully aware that the entire cp system was getting changed which was why I was worried of it just remaining 4000 gold for the tokens. But now I am settled and looking forward to these implementations you guys are considering! :)

    Yet again thank you very much for the response to the topic. And for at least dropping the gold a bit for the time being :). It helps and is appreciated at least by myself and I am sure some others :)!
    BloodAshes likes this.

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