How to draft in Poxnora

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Eadbusta, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Eadbusta

    Eadbusta I need me some PIE!

    Eadbusta’s Draft Rules

    What it is:

    This is what a person with no coding skill or game making experience could create in two hours of boredom. It is basically a rule set for drafting in Poxnora (hey look, the title makes sense!). It takes inspiration from drafting in Magic the Gathering, though with a couple of differences. The main difference is that the draft is done in release blocks instead of sets, for example the Maljara block (Maljaran Frontier, Heroes of Maljara and Maljaran War). The booster size is also altered to better emphasize the rarity of exotic and legendary runes (details below).

    I admit this format is by no means perfect, as I will go over further below. But let’s ignore that for now, and focus on the juicy bits!

    What you’ll need:
    • The program ”Magic Set Editor 2” (google it)
    • A file with all the runes for the block you want to draft (I have a couple premade, or you could make your own following the tutorial at the bottom)
    • Any kind of writing program (or, if you’re in a physical company; a pen and paper. Yeah, some people are weird like that)
    • Access to a lot of runes from the block you’re drafting (stealing runes from friends/guild members is an option but not recommended)
    • Poxnora (duh)
    • An internet connection (double duh)
    • Someone to play with (for example friends, your aunt, or you could do the ol' ”two accounts/two clients” trick). Any number of people above 1 is recommended
    • Some way to communicate through text with said people (Discord, WhatsApp, messenger pigeon etc.)

    How to play:

    When you’ve gathered a few people who are willing/forced to draft with you, and decided on what block you want to draft; you are ready to set up the game following these steps (everyone should do this):

    1. Preparations
    1. Open "Magic Set Editor 2”
    2. Open (ctrl+O) the block you want to draft
    3. Go to the tab ”random” (alternatively, ”window” and then ”Random Packs” in the top left of your window) and press ”Add Custom Pack”
    4. Create a pack using the different arrow buttons. The pack should consist of: 6 ”Common”, 3 ”Uncommon”, 1 ”Rare" and 1 ”Mythic rare or rare” which should total to 11 runes in each pack. Finalize by naming and pressing ”OK”
    5. The pack should now be visible in the ”Pack selection” section. Add 1 pack of your custom pack by pressing the ”up arrow” button to the right of your pack
    6. Open up three separate windows of your favourite writing program. One is for the packs your passing around to other players and picking runes from. The other is for the runes you’ve picked from the packs. The last one will be for your battlegroup and ”sideboard” (details on what this is below)
    7. Decide on the order of passing the packs. For example: Leif always passes his runes to Torvald, who passes his to Jöns who passes his back to Leif, creating a circle
    8. (optional for now) Start Poxnora
    9. (also optional) gib harbs pls

    2. The draft rules (what you’re here for)
    1. Press the ”Generate Pack button”. The names a bunch of runes should now be visible below in the window
    2. Copy all the runes from the pack and paste them into one of your writing program windows. This is called the ”draft window”. If you return here from step 4; instead copy the runes you received from the other player. Also, if you’re a nice guy; add the rarity of all the runes beside them. This will help newer players who don’t really know what to pick
    3. Cut out the rune you want from the runes you generated and paste it in the remaining empty writing program window. This is called the ”battlegroup window”
    4. Pass the remaining runes in the pack to the next player. This is done by cutting out the text in the draft window and sending the text to the next player
    5. You should now have received a bunch of new runes from another player. Repeat steps 2-4 until the pack is empty. After the first pack is empty, repeat steps 1-5. Repeat these steps until 3 full packs have been emptied

    3. Battlegroup building and playing

    You’re now ready to create your drafted battlegroup! The rules for building your battlegroup are the same as for any game of poxnora, except for the following:
    • You may use more than 2 factions in your battlegroup
    • You may only use the runes that you have drafted (otherwise, what would be the point of all this?)
    • You may have 5 runes in a ”sideboard”. These are runes that you may add to your battlegroup between games to try to counter your opponent
    • Keep your battlegroup and your sideboard in one of the writing program windows and record all changes you do to your battlegroup in that window
    When all the players are done building their battlegroups, you may now play the game! If not already decided, this is where you agree upon who is the better drafter. This can be done for example by playing a round robin or a bracket tournament (tutorial sold separately). Violent argumentation is also recommended. Non-violent is also possible, but not as entertaining.

    Issues and limitations with the rules:

    One of the characteristics of the usual draft is that one is able to have more than the standard maximum amount of copies of runes in a battlegroup/deck. You could be running only Ambling Fronds and Doom in a battlegroup if you wanted to! The problem with this rule set is that it is limited by the standard battlegroup creator, and therefore the aforementioned is not possible.

    Another problem with this way of drafting is that the seeding of the packs are not Poxnora ”authentic”. Instead of getting an exotic from a pack being one in ten chance, it is instead approximately one in twelve. I also had to put legendary and exotic runes as the same rarity, because it was the easiest thing to do and I’m lazy. Cheating is also incredibly easy. A player can easily edit what runes are in a pack before passing them on or claiming that he was able to pull 1 exotic every time (if that would be beneficial). To most people this is an issue, to some it’s a way to feel good about oneself. Keep it civil people, don’t cheat.

    Well, that’s pretty much it. Any questions will be answered when I find time for it (i.e. when I don’t feel as lazy as usual). Feel free to bash the rules all you want, I would love to hear how it’s working out for everyone that tries it! Also, it would be fun if any of the guys that make game recordings (@Gnomes ? @kalasle ?) would get a few games together to try this out in a couple of video. :)


    Endings are not my forte.
  2. Kendoshi

    Kendoshi I need me some PIE!

    Hire this man. He works for free!
  3. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    main problem is that custom has same rules of ranked so no circus bgs
    Eadbusta likes this.
  4. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Too long, but kudos to you for creating this by yourself in a short amount of time.
  5. Eadbusta

    Eadbusta I need me some PIE!

    Damn, I wasn't sure if this was really the case.
    Well, I guess this was just a fun waste of time then! :D
    MaruXV likes this.

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