Hyaenid Battle Strategy

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by skarpox, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. skarpox

    skarpox The King of Potatoes

    So I keep posting because SP has lost a lot of love. I left KF for SP. I have a Hyaenid build I am working on, and I won 9 games in a row until I took it to ranked and lost. I realized that, in ranked play, competition is much different. So I need to learn the playstyle of Hyaenids better. Does anyone have any insights about this race that I need to consider for ranked play? I would appreciate not just the basics but also skillful tactics. Also, I am not posting my current build because I do not want feedback on the build but a Hyaenid strategy.
  2. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    Post you bg, so we can check it out to give you more advanced tips.
    You run a Full Nid module? You run them with Djinns? What spells do you use? What runes? With what upgrades?
    This all matters a lot, so it's will be better to help you out ^^
  3. skarpox

    skarpox The King of Potatoes

    As I stated, I am not posting my build because I want strategy advice in Nids in general, not specific to the build.
  4. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    In general: aplly as many debuffs as possible; use your executioners for finishing enemies; if you are sorrounded, and have full HP or near it, use Cackle, it can save your champ; shut down powerfull units with WotM, Mundunugu, and such; do not rush, never; if getting rushed, stay back and poke to apply debuffs; only advance when you DMG your enemies a little, have applied some debuffs before AND have some frontliner; use your Dreamcrusher together with Instigator to swarm summons; if using Djinns, take them away, they suck;

    If want any more tips I suggest posting your BG for further help.
  5. Gnomes

    Gnomes Forum Royalty


    Thats what i got. Its pretty fun and solid.but the interactions from executioner are hard to pull off and dogpile does not get me to excited
  6. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    I'll start this post by saying I've never played Nids as a theme (or any theme for that matter). But the signature ability of nids is dogpile. It's sort of like sunder. And it gets better per attack. So nids conceivable will be better with more champions on the board, resulting in more attacks. And that means you'll want lower nora cost champs.
  7. themacca

    themacca Master of Challenges

    executioners are your go to guys. the general thing is to run harpoons (because people are going to position outside of deathsentence) stack up a few debuffs and then use exodia obliterate on hyaenid executioner for 5000 damage. also swarms are useful. my suggestion is to run to the ranged debuffers like spearman. mundugu, headshrinker because 2 attacks from them will pile up a 30 damage death sentence from executioners. save ur whispers and stuff for keeping the executioner alive too because he is their most important unit by far. have fun

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