If you want players to use the beta client you kind of have to shut down the old client

Discussion in 'New Pox Nora Client Beta Discussion' started by Bobbmon, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. Bobbmon

    Bobbmon The King of Potatoes

    Since you cant play against people using the old client there will be no one to play against until the beta client catches on. Pox doesn't have the largest player base so you can't really expect a few players to use the new beta client while the rest stays on the old one. If you really want this to work I think the only option is to force us to use the beta even if it is buggy.
  2. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    I think this way is better. The beta client is only about 40% as good as the live client, with its clunky interface and widespread bugs. Forcing people to switch now would frustrate a lot of people.

    Its better to think of this as a voluntary "help us find bugs" client. Anyone not interested in finding or dealing with bugs is better off using the client that actually works. We'll probably see more people come online as things like the visual bugs, chat windows and keyboard hotkeys get patched.
    Galandra, chris0024 and MaruXV like this.
  3. MaruXV

    MaruXV Corgi Lord of FW

    i think its better like they are doing now. Closing the normal client would mean losing even the small group of players that are still playing now. The ones that would have the patience to play on a beta client, are still gonna do it now and report bugs. At least the others are getting a game while they wait.
  4. Bobbmon

    Bobbmon The King of Potatoes

    Alright, as long as we have time to be patient, I just don't want pox to die due to the new client not being a hit. I
    Alright. I just dont want pox to die due to the new client not being a hit but if we have time to be patient, thats fine. When we think most bugs have been found it might be a good idea to make us use the new client though so the development can move quicklier. Most people just want whats best for the game even if it means a few months of frustrating game play.
  5. haroldkin

    haroldkin I need me some PIE!

    It's a beta; it's not intended for wide release just yet. Releasing it to the world as a buggy beta is the surest way of seeing it fail.

    The purpose of opening a beta to public access is to increase the number of eyes to sort out the bugs and kinks and get the release ready
    for official launch. Consider it a privilege to have early access, and an >obligation< to help out by actually reporting bugs you find.
    Simply playing the beta and complaining that there aren't enough players to get a PvP match isn't going to help speed up the launch.

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